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bulletin (article)中村, 太士野外科学におけるスケール論:時空間問題の整理Scale Problems in Field Science:Solution for Spatiotemporal Problems北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYJan-1989
article村上, まり恵; 山田, 浩之; 中村, 太士北海道南部の山地小河川における細粒土砂の堆積と浮き石および河床内の透水性に関する研究Hydraulic conductivity of substrate and openwork gravel rate associated with fine sediment depositon in mountain streams, southern HokkaidoEcology and Civil Engineering応用生態工学2001
article笹岡, 英二; 矢島, 崇; 渋谷, 正人; 高橋, 邦秀; 中村, 太士; 清水, 収北海道駒ヶ岳における天然生カラマツ林の林分構造と成立過程Stand structure and regeneration process of a natural Larix kaempferi stand on Mt.Komagatake,Hokkaido.日本林学会誌JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY1999
bulletin (article)菊池, 俊一; 矢島, 崇; 中村, 太士; 清水, 収; 沢井, 理; 清野, 年知床国有林の伐採が林分動態に与えた影響:伐採5年後の林層と更新Effects of Selection Cutting on Forest Dynamics in the Shiretoko National Forest:Stand Condition and Regeneration Pattern, Five Years after the Cutting北海道大学農学部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY FORESTSFeb-1994
bulletin (article)大石, 智子; 菊池, 俊一; 矢島, 崇; 清水, 収; 中村, 太士知床国有林の伐採が林分動態に与えた影響:択伐後10年間の林相と更新Effects of Selection Cutting on Forest Dynamics in the Shiretoko National Forest:Stand Structure and Regeneration Pattern, Ten Years after Cutting北海道大学農学部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY FORESTSSep-1998
article山田, 浩之; 中村, 隆俊; 仲川, 泰則; 神谷, 雄一郎; 中村, 太士; 渡辺, 綱男自然再生事業区域釧路湿原広里地区における湿原環境の実態 : 酪農草地化および河川改修が湿原地下水環境に及ぼす影響Ecological aspects of Hirosato restoration area in the Kushiro Mire : Effect of pasture developments and river improvements on hydrochemical environments of groundwaterEcology and Civil Engineering応用生態工学2004
bulletin (article)東, 三郎; 中村, 太士; 荻野, 厚三次元グラフィックスに関する砂防学的研究Studies on the Three Dimensional Graphics for Sab? Planning北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYMar-1985
article (author version)山田, 浩之; 中村, 太士河畔緩衝帯の生態学的意義と草地開発が水辺の生態系に及ぼす影響Ecological Functions of Riparian Buffers and Effects of Pasture Development on Riparian Ecosystem日本草地学会誌-2002
bulletin (article)中村, 太士河川の動態解析に関する砂防学的研究Chronological Analyses on River Channel Morphology and Sediment Transport Process in Mountainous River Basins北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYFeb-1988
bulletin (article)中村, 太士デジタイザー入力による森林地形情報の立体表示Description of Landscape Information on Grid-map (Three Dimensional View)北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYJan-1988
articleTakinami, Hiroto; Ishiyama, Nobuo; Hino, Takafumi; Kubo, Takahiro; Tomita, Kanji; Tsujino, Muku; Nakamura, FutoshiYoung citizen sensors for managing large carnivores: Lessons from 40 years of monitoring a brown bear population-Conservation Science and Practice-Sep-2021
article (author version)Fremier, Alexander K.; Seo, Jung Il; Nakamura, FutoshiWatershed controls on the export of large wood from stream corridors-Geomorphology-15-Apr-2010
article (author version)Kajihara, Kazumitsu; Yamaura, Yuichi; Soga, Masashi; Furukawa, Yasuto; Morimoto, Junko; Nakamura, FutoshiUrban shade as a cryptic habitat : fern distribution in building gaps in Sapporo, northern Japan-Urban ecosystems-Mar-2016
article (author version)Shimazaki, Atsushi; Yamaura, Yuichi; Senzaki, Masayuki; Yabuhara, Yuki; Akasaka, Takumi; Nakamura, FutoshiUrban permeability for birds : An approach combining mobbing-call experiments and circuit theory-Urban forestry & urban greening-1-Sep-2016
article (author version)Nakaoka, Masahiro; Sudo, Kenji; Namba, Mizuho; Shibata, Hideaki; Nakamura, Futoshi; Ishikawa, Satoshi; Makino, Mitsutaku; Yamano, Hiroya; Matsuzaki, Shin-ichiro S.; Yamakita, Takehisa; Yu, Xiubo; Hou, Xiyong; Li, Xiaowei; Brodie, Jon; Kanemoto, Keiichiro; Moran, Dan; Verones, FrancescaTSUNAGARI: a new interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary study toward conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services-Ecological research-Jan-2018
articleSenzaki, Masayuki; Yamaura, Yuichi; Francis, Clinton D.; Nakamura, FutoshiTraffic noise reduces foraging efficiency in wild owls-Scientific reports-18-Aug-2016
article (author version)Yamaura, Yuichi; Schmaljohann, Heiko; Lisovski, Simeon; Senzaki, Masayuki; Kawamura, Kazuhiro; Fujimaki, Yuzo; Nakamura, FutoshiTracking the Stejneger's stonechat Saxicola stejnegeri along the East Asian-Australian Flyway from Japan via China to southeast Asia-Journal of Avian Biology-Feb-2017
articleGarcia Molinos, Jorge; Nobuo, Ishiyama; Sueyoshi, Masanao; Nakamura, FutoshiTimescale mediates the effects of environmental controls on water temperature in mid- to low-order streams-Scientific reports-18-Jul-2022
articleNagayama, Shigeya; Ishiyama, Nobuo; Seno, Taro; Kawai, Hideyuki; Kawaguchi, Yoichi; Nakano, Daisuke; Nakamura, FutoshiTime Series Changes in Fish Assemblages and Habitat Structures Caused by Partial Check Dam Removal-Water-Dec-2020
articleHojo, Ai; Takagi, Kentaro; Avtar, Ram; Tadono, Takeo; Nakamura, FutoshiSynthesis of L-Band SAR and Forest Heights Derived from TanDEM-X DEM and 3 Digital Terrain Models for Biomass Mapping-Remote Sensing-1-Feb-2020
Showing results 1 to 20 of 97
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Hokkaido University