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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articlePettitt, Alex R.; Ragan, Sarah E.; Smith, Martin C.Young stars as tracers of a barred-spiral Milky Way-Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society-Jan-2020
articleFew, C. G.; Dobbs, C.; Pettitt, A.; Konstandin, L.Testing hydrodynamics schemes in galaxy disc simulations-Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society-May-2016
articlePettitt, Alex R.; Tasker, Elizabeth J.; Wadsley, James W.; Keller, Ben W.; Benincasa, Samantha M.Star formation and ISM morphology in tidally induced spiral structures-Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society-Mar-2017
articleDobbs, C. L.; Price, D. J.; Pettitt, A. R.; Bate, M. R.; Tricco, T. S.Magnetic field evolution and reversals in spiral galaxies-Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society-7-Jul-2016
articleNguyen, Ngan K.; Pettitt, Alex R.; Tasker, Elizabeth J.; Okamoto, TakashiThe impact of galactic disc environment on star-forming clouds-Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society-Mar-2018
articlePettitt, Alex R.; Dobbs, Clare L.; Baba, Junichi; Colombo, Dario; Duarte-Cabral, Ana; Egusa, Fumi; Habe, AsaoHow do different spiral arm models impact the ISM and GMC population?-Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society-Oct-2020
articlePettitt, Alex R.; Tasker, Elizabeth J.; Wadsley, James W.Gas and stellar spiral structures in tidally perturbed disc galaxies-Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society-2-Jun-2016
articlePettitt, Alex R.; Wadsley, J. W.Bars and spirals in tidal interactions with an ensemble of galaxy mass models-Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society-11-Mar-2018
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8


Hokkaido University