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bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三; 丹野, 皓三アワノメイガ幼虫の凍りかた : 凍結切片法による観察Observations of Ice Crystals Formed in Frozen Larvae of European Corn-Borer by the Use of Freeze-Sectioning低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science25-Dec-1967
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三; 丹野, 皓三セクロピア蚕休眠蛹の耐凍性 ⅡFreezing Resistance in the Diapausing Pupa of the Cecropia Silkworm at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science10-Feb-1967
bulletin (article)ASAHINA, EizoFreezing Injury in Egg Cells of the Sea Urchin-Cellular Injury and Resistance in Freezing Organisms : proceedings細胞レベルにおける生物の凍害と耐凍性 : 論文集1967
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三; 丹野, 皓三セクロピア蚕休眠蛹の耐凍性 ⅠFrost-Resistance in the Diapausing Pupa of the Cecropia Silkworm, a Preliminary experiment低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science1-Dec-1965
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三遠心されたウニ卵細胞の凍結 ⅠFreezing of Centrifuged Egg Cells of Sea Urchin Ⅰ低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science1-Dec-1965
bulletin (article)丹野, 皓三; 朝比奈, 英三ポプラハバチの耐凍性 ⅠFrost-Resistance in Poplar Sawfly, Trichiocamps populi Okamoto低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science20-Oct-1964
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三; 竹原, 一郎イラガ前蛹の耐凍性 補遺 ⅠSupplementary Notes on the Frost-Resistance of the Slug Caterpillar, Monema Flavescens Ⅰ低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science20-Oct-1964
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三; 丹野, 皓三生物細胞の耐凍性に関係する一つの原形質的要因 : ウニ卵細胞での観察A Protoplasmic Factor of Frost Resistance in Sea Urchin Egg Cells低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science10-Dec-1963
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三生物細胞が細胞内凍結を防ぐ一つの機構A Mechanism to Prevent the Seeding of Intracellular Ice from Outside in Freezing Living Cells低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science20-Dec-1962
bulletin (article)竹原, 一郎; 朝比奈, 英三イラガ越冬前蛹のグリセリン Ⅰ : グリセリン生成、休眠、耐凍性に及ぼす環境温度の影響Glycerol in a Slug Caterpillar Ⅰ : Glycerol Formation, Diapause and Frost-Resistance in Insect Reared at Various Graded Temperatures低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science20-Dec-1961
bulletin (article)竹原, 一郎; 朝比奈, 英三昆虫の耐凍性とグリセリンFrost-Resistance and Glycerol Content in Overwintering Insects低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science4-Nov-1960
bulletin (article)竹原, 一郎; 朝比奈, 英三イラガ越冬前蛹のグリセリン(予報)Glycerol in the Overwintering Prepupa of Slug Moth, a Preliminary Note低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science4-Nov-1960
bulletin (article)竹原, 一郎; 朝比奈, 英三越冬昆虫の体内にあるグリセリンについてGlycerol Content in some Frost-Hardy Insects, a Preliminary Report低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science24-Oct-1959
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三キクハガレセンチュウの耐凍性Frost-Resistance in a Nematode Aphelenchoides ritzema-bosi低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science24-Oct-1959
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三; 青木, 廉耐凍性昆虫を超低温で凍結生存させる一つの方法A Method by which Frost-Hardy Caterpillars Survive Freezing at a Super-Low Temperature低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science5-Dec-1958
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三超低温で生存する動物細胞の凍りかたについてOn a Probable Freezing Process of Molluscan Cells Enabling them to Survive at a Super-Low Temperature低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science5-Dec-1958
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三過冷却状態の生物の運動Motility of Some Animals and a Excised Tissue in Supercooled State低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science5-Nov-1957
bulletin (article)ASAHINA, EizoThe Freezing Process of Plant Cell-Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science-30-Mar-1956
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三植物霜害の一機構A Process of Injury Induced by the Formation of Spring Frost on Potato Sprout低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science25-Mar-1954
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三イラガ血液の凍結過程Freezing Process of Blood of a Frost Hardy Caterpillar, Cnidocampa flavescens低温科學-25-Mar-1953
Showing results 21 to 40 of 46
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