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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.About a new Subspecies of Oeneis-Insecta matsumurana-Feb-1927
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.Adelidæ in Japan-Insecta matsumurana-Feb-1932
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.A Catalogue of the Arctiidae of the Japan-Empire-Insecta matsumurana-Nov-1930
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.Catalogus Coleopterorum Japonicum-Insecta matsumurana-Jul-1929
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.Catalogus Coleopterorum Japonicum-Insecta matsumurana-Jun-1928
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.Catalogus Coleopterorum Japonicum-Insecta matsumurana-Oct-1928
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.Catalogus Coleopterorum Japonicum-Insecta matsumurana-Mar-1929
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.Descriptions of one new Species and one new form of Butterflies from Japan and Formosa-Insecta matsumurana-Jun-1935
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.Descriptions of some new Genera and Species from Japan, with a List of Species of the family Cochlidionidae-Insecta matsumurana-Mar-1931
bulletin (article)MATSUMURA, S.Die Acocephalinen und Bythoscopinen Japans-The journal of the College of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan東北帝國大學農科大學紀要25-Mar-1912
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.; Uchida, T.Die Hymenopteren-Fauna von den Riukiu-Inseln-Insecta matsumurana-Jul-1926
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.; Uchida, T.Die Hymenopteren-Fauna von den Riukiu-Inseln (Schluss)-Insecta matsumurana-Oct-1926
bulletin (article)MATSUMURA, S.Die Wasser-Hemipteren Japans-The journal of the Sapporo Agricultural College札幌農學校紀要30-Apr-1905
bulletin (article)MATSUMURA, S.An Enumeration of the Butterflies and moths from Saghalien, with Descriptions of new Species and Subspecies-Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan北海道帝國大學農學部紀要30-Mar-1925
bulletin (article)MATSUMURA, S.Erster Beitrag zur Insekten-Fauna von Sachalin-The journal of the College of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan東北帝國大學農科大學紀要30-Mar-1911
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.; Tamanuki, K.Four new Species of Necydalis from Japan-Insecta matsumurana-May-1927
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.Generic Revision of the Palaearctic Notodontidæ-Insecta matsumurana-Nov-1929
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.Geometrid-Moths collected on Mt.Daisetsu, with Descriptions of new Species-Insecta matsumurana-May-1927
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.; Yokoyama, K.Hitherto unrecorded Species of Dermestidæ from Japan-Insecta matsumurana-Oct-1928
bulletin (article)Matsumura, S.Insects Collected at the Foot of Mt. Yatsugadake and its Environment-Insecta matsumurana-Nov-1934
Showing results 1 to 20 of 68
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Hokkaido University