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The drift velocity vector of electron swarms in crossed electric and magnetic fields

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Title: The drift velocity vector of electron swarms in crossed electric and magnetic fields
Authors: Sugawara, Hirotake1 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Yahata, Takashi Browse this author
Oda, Akinori Browse this author
Sakai, Yosuke Browse this author
Authors(alt): 菅原, 広剛1
Issue Date: 21-May-2000
Publisher: Institute of Physics
Journal Title: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Volume: 33
Issue: 10
Start Page: 1191
End Page: 1196
Publisher DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/33/10/309
Abstract: We calculated the drift velocity vector W of electron swarms in crossed electric and magnetic fields using a Monte Carlo method. Values of W in F2, CF4 and constant-collision-frequency (CCF) model gases at various values of the reduced electric and magnetic fields, E/N and B/N (N is the gas molecule number density), were illustrated as vector loci in velocity space. Under a CCF condition, W draws right semicircular loci with varying B and N at a constant E when the number of electrons is conservative. These semicircular loci can be a reference to characterize the W behaviour in real gases. We presented an analytical derivation of W in the CCF condition, extending its expression to that in the presence of ionization and attachment. Features of the vector loci in F2 and CF4 were discussed.
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Rights: Copyright © 2000 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:情報科学院・情報科学研究院 (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology / Faculty of Information Science and Technology) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 菅原 広剛

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