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北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University >
第100号 >


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Title: 韓国の「水準別教育」実践課程と子どもたちの学びに関する実証的研究
Other Titles: Demonstrative Research Regarding the Practical Process and Children's Learning of Korea's "Suijunbetsukyouiku"
Authors: 宋, 美蘭1 Browse this author
Authors(alt): SONG, Miran1
Keywords: 水準別教育
Issue Date: 31-Jan-2007
Publisher: 北海道大学大学院教育学研究科
Journal Title: 北海道大学大学院教育学研究紀要
Volume: 100
Start Page: 123
End Page: 165
Abstract: 本研究は、韓国の第7次教育課程において導入された「水準別教育課程」に着目し、「水準別教育課程」の導入における政策の理論的根拠とその前提が、学校現場に実施した場合、実現可能なものとして十分機能しているのかどうかという、分析の視点で問題提起した。これを本研究の第1の視点として定めた。その結果、政策の根拠とする『画一性』からの脱皮は、一定の条件整備が備えないと、実現可能なものとしては不十分であったことが明らかになった。こうした条件整備を韓国の行政側である、教育庁では学校現場から浮上された諸問題点を受け止め、それに対応できる政策案を打ち出し、実施を止めることなく、進行させた。そうしたフィードバックする過程の中で、韓国の現場は行政からフィードバックされたその方針の下で、「水準別授業」をそれぞれの学校の特色を生かしながら、実施を試みていた。こうした学校での「実施過程」を本研究の第2の分析視点として加えた。本件究では、学校の「実施過程」だけに止まらず、学習の当事者である、子どもの「水準別授業」に対する「評価」を最終的な検証として入れたことである。そこから明らかになった事は、まず、「水準別授業の実態」からは、単純にクラスわけするだけでは、子どもの学力や学習意欲には結び付かないことであった事。水準別授業のその効果として「第2の課題」で見るように、教師と子ども間、そして、子どもと子ども間、さらには、「教師同士」の「協同」・「共同」する授業こそが、子どもの「学習意欲」、「成績向上」につながることが明らかになった事である。
In this research the significance of the implementation of "ability grouping" in Korean school education was empirically analyzed from surveys carried out on pupils actually divided by "ability grouping." At that time, firstly an analysis was made regarding the connection between the background and purpose of the introduction of Korea's "ability grouping" policy. Secondly, examinations were made regarding the connection between the various discussions that came from preceding research in the United States, which has 30 year's experience in implementation. Based on the 2 points above, this research utilized "ability-grouped scholastic ability," namely, the 3 indices of higher bracket scholastic ability, intermediate bracket scholastic ability, and lower ability scholastic ability as ability-grouped scholastic ability indices. Then, lessons were divided into two categories and analyzed to determine what kind of lessons were actually being carried out in ability-grouped classes, namely, "communal lessons" or "non-communal lessons." Both categories were named "ability grouping practice." Using such indices, verification was carried out as to whether there are any differences in "ability grouping practices" depending on the "ability-grouped scholastic ability" If there are, what kinds of differences are brought about in the children by the differing "educational content" and "lesson methods" according to each of the scholastic abilities developed in ability grouping, namely, "communal lessons" vs. "non-communal lessons." And also, what changes are brought about directly in the pupils' grades (scholastic ability), their will to study, and their relationships with friends, and how do these changes differ between "communal lessons" and "non-communal lessons." Through the above, what became clear in the end was, firstly, no positive effects were apparent with regards "relationships with friends" and the "will to study," from the division of ability-grouped classes, itself. Secondly, it became clear that what actually influences these in the children was rather the methods of the ability-grouped lessons. In other words, the children's "relationships with friends," their "will to study" and "improvement of grads" by "ability grouping practice," Indeed, it became clear that "communal lessons" had a stronger influence over the children that "non-communal lessons," in all aspects.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University > 第100号

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