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FuelCell7-3.pdf1.01 MBPDF見る/開く

タイトル: 高空孔率ステンレス系金属多孔体の利用による直接メタノール燃料電池の高性能化
その他のタイトル: Performance Improvement in Direct Methanol Fuel Cell by a Highly Porous Stainless Steel Flow Field
著者: 首藤, 登志夫1 著作を一覧する
著者別名: Shudo, Toshio1
キーワード: Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
Flow Field
Porous Stainless Steel
Diffusion Polarization
発行日: 2008年 1月
出版者: 燃料電池開発情報センター
誌名: 燃料電池
巻: 7
号: 3
開始ページ: 139
終了ページ: 142
抄録: Power generation with direct methanol fuel cell(DMFC)systems require only simple equipment, and has the important advantages of using a liquid fuel with higher energy density and easier handling characteristics than hydrogen. However, the power output of DMFC is lower than hydrogen fuel cells. To improve the power output of DMFC it is very important to reduce diffusion polarization at higher current density conditions. This research used a porous stainless steel developed based on the technology for metal-hydride battery electrodes in the separator flow fields for reactants and products in a single cell DMFC and analyzed its influence on performance characteristics.
資源タイプ: article
出現コレクション:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

提供者: 首藤 登志夫


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