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Graduate School of Economics and Business / Faculty of Economics and Business >
Economic Journal of Hokkaido University >
Vol. 38 >

The Regional Education-Based Wage Differentials : The Case of Canadian Registered Nurses

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Title: The Regional Education-Based Wage Differentials : The Case of Canadian Registered Nurses
Authors: Lee, Heyung-Jik Browse this author
Keywords: Human capital
Present value
Internal rate of return
Issue Date: Oct-2009
Publisher: Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration, Hokkaido University
Journal Title: Economic Journal of Hokkaido University
Volume: 38
Start Page: 13
End Page: 36
Abstract: This paper examines the monetary returns from a baccalaureate degree for the nursing education compared to a diploma across five regions in Canada. It engages me in employing benefit-cost analysis to assess whether the evidence is consistent with implications of human capital theory. Depending on the assumed discount rate and retirement age, the estimated baccalaureate-diploma wage differentials vary in each Canadian region. In this study, I conclude that the decision to invest in one more year of nursing education is economically rational only for the registered nurses who work in Eastern Canada.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:Economic Journal of Hokkaido University > Vol. 38

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