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Graduate School of Economics and Business / Faculty of Economics and Business >
Economic Journal of Hokkaido University >
Vol.39 >

The Post-War Issei : A History of Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Southern California, 1949-1990s

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Title: The Post-War Issei : A History of Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Southern California, 1949-1990s
Authors: Kinoshita, Natsuki1 Browse this author
Authors(alt): 木下, なつき1
Keywords: Immigration
Organizational History
Japanese American
Issue Date: Oct-2010
Publisher: Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration, Hokkaido University
Journal Title: Economic Journal of Hokkaido University
Volume: 39
Start Page: 51
End Page: 68
Abstract: By focusing on the history of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Southern California, this paper examines how the first generation Japanese immigrants (Issei) mattered to the postwar Japanese American community. This paper analyzes the documents of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Southern California under three headings; 1) the organizational structure? its memberships and activities; 2) the community relationship? mostly focusing on rising tensions with the younger generation over the management of community affairs; and 3) the Issei leaders' ideas and visions? both the changing and the unchanging elements carried over from the prewar era.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:Economic Journal of Hokkaido University > Vol.39

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