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Resistant and Susceptible Responses in Tomato to Cyst Nematode are Differentially Regulated by Salicylic Acid

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Title: Resistant and Susceptible Responses in Tomato to Cyst Nematode are Differentially Regulated by Salicylic Acid
Authors: Uehara, Taketo Browse this author
Sugiyama, Shunpei Browse this author
Matsuura, Hideyuki Browse this author
Arie, Tsutomu Browse this author
Masuta, Chikara Browse this author
Keywords: Cyst nematode
Globodera rostochiensis
Plant pathogen
Salicylic acid
Issue Date: Sep-2010
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Journal Title: Plant and Cell Physiology
Volume: 51
Issue: 9
Start Page: 1524
End Page: 1536
Publisher DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcq109
Abstract: To understand the machinery underlying a tomato cultivar harboring the Hero A gene against cyst nematode using microarrays, we first analyzed tomato gene expression in response to potato cyst nematode (PCN; Globodera rostochiensis) during the early incompatible and compatible interactions at 3 and 7 days postinoculation (dpi). Transcript levels of the phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and Myb-related genes were upregulated at 3 dpi in the incompatible interaction. Transcription of the genes encoding pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) was also upregulated at 3dpi in the incompatible interaction. On the other hand, the four genes (PAL, Myb, PDC and ADH) were downregulated in the compatible interaction at 3 dpi. When the expression levels of several pathogenesis-related (PR) protein genes in tomato roots were compared between the incompatible and compatible interactions, the SA-dependent PR genes were found to be induced in the incompatible interaction at 3 dpi. The PR-1(P4) transcript increased to an exceptionally high level at 3 dpi in the cyst nematode-infected resistant plants compared to the uninoculated controls. The free SA levels were elevated to similar levels in both incompatible and compatible interactions. We then confirmed that PR-1(P4) was not significantly induced in the NahG tomato harboring the Hero A gene, compared with the resistant cultivar. We thus found that PR-1(P4) was a hallmark for the cultivar resistance conferred by Hero A against PCN and that nematode parasitism resulted in the inhibition of the SA signaling pathway in the susceptible cultivars.
Rights: This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Plant and Cell Physiology following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version Plant Cell Physiol (2010) 51(9): 1524-1536 is available online at:
Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:農学院・農学研究院 (Graduate School of Agriculture / Faculty of Agriculture) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 増田 税

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