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Title: バレイショにおける根系の地域間差異
Other Titles: Differences between Location in Root System of Potato Plants
Authors: 岩間, 和人1 Browse this author
中世古, 公男2 Browse this author
後藤, 寛治3 Browse this author
西部, 幸男4 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Iwama, Kazuto1
Nakaseko, Kimio2
Gotoh, Kanji3
Nishibe, Yukio4
Issue Date: 30-Sep-1980
Publisher: 日本作物学会
Journal Title: 日本作物學會紀事
Volume: 49
Issue: 3
Start Page: 495
End Page: 501
Abstract: バレイショ根系の地域間差異を明らかにし,これと地上部および塊茎収量との関係を検討するため,早晩性を異にする4品種を,火山灰性土壌の島松,沖積性埴壌土の札幌の2ヶ所で慣行条件下に栽培し,根と地上部および塊茎の生育を調査した.根乾物重(根重)および葉面積指数(LAI)の生育に伴う推移は,2次回帰曲線に適合したので,それらの回帰曲線より得た推定値に基づいて,地域間差異を把握した. 1. 根重およびLAIの最大値は,いずれも島松に比べ札幌で大きく,両者の間には r = 0.951** の高い正の相関関係が認められた.また,根重最大値は根径と,LAI最大値は茎長および茎太と,それぞれ高い正の相関関係を示し,札幌では島松に比べ,根数は少ないものの根が太く,根重が重いうえ,茎長,茎太さらにLAIが大きな値を示した. 2. 根重とLAIでは地域間差異の発現過程が異なっていた.すなわち,LAIの地域間差異は増加期間の長短に起因したのに対し,根重の地域間差異は早生品種では増加速度の差異によるものであり,まだ晩生品種では増加速度と増加期間の両者によるものであった.そして,根重はLAIに比べ増加期間が短く,LAIより早くから地域間差異を示した.以上より,早生品種では根重増加速度が,また晩生品種では増加速度と増加期間の両者が,その後のLAIの増加期間の長短を左右したものと推察した. 3. 根重最大値は萌芽から黄変期までの日数と,また塊茎肥大期間中の根重積は葉積と,それぞれ高い正の相関関係を示し,根の大きさは葉の維持とも密接に関係していた. 4. 根重積,葉積そして塊茎収量は,いずれも島松に比べ札幌で大きな値を示し,また塊茎収量は塊茎肥大期間中の長短に関係していたことから,根重積および葉積は塊茎肥大期間に影響を与えたものと推察した. 5. 地域と品種をこみにしてみると,根重増加速度と増加期間は,塊茎肥大期間中の根重積,葉積ならびに塊茎収量とそれぞれ高い正の相関関係を示した.これは,根が葉の増加期間および維持期間に影響を及ぼし,塊茎肥大期間中の葉積および根重積を左右し,これが塊茎肥大期間の長短と関係したことによるものと解された.
Differences between locations in potato root system were studied with four varieties. Climatic conditions in two locations were almost same, though soil types were different: Soil of Sapporo and Shimamatsu were alluvial clay loam and volcanic ash sandy loam, respectively. Root dry weight of surface soil (depth to 30 cm), leaf area and tuber dry weight were measured biweekly during the growing season. Growth rate, duration of increase, maximum value and duration of root DW and LAI were calculated from quadratic regression curves fitted to raw data. Maximum values in root DW and LAI were greater in Sapporo than in Shimamatsu. Two values showed highly significant correlation (r=0.951). Diffcrences were also found in morphological characteristics of root and shoot. Root diameter, stem diameter and stem length were significantly greater in Sapporo. Number of root per stem, however, were greater in Shimamatsu. Differences in maximum root dry weight between locations were based on root growth rate in early varieties, and on root growth rate and duration of root increase in late varieties. On the other hand, differences in maximum LAI were attributable not to growth rate but to duration of leaf increase which was longer than duration of root increase. Greater maximum root dry weight in Sapporo delayed leaf senescence, and root dry weight duration during tuber bulking period was coerrelated with leaf area duration. Greater root dry weight duration and leaf area duration in Sapporo did not increase tuber bulking rate, but prolonged duration of tuber bulking and increased tuber yield. If root system increases rapidly or longer, then leaf growth also continues longer, thus leaf senescence might be delayed. It should result in long maintenance of tuber bulking and increase of tuber yield.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:農学院・農学研究院 (Graduate School of Agriculture / Faculty of Agriculture) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 岩間 和人

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