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Graduate School of Agriculture / Faculty of Agriculture >
北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics >
第67集 >

訪日中国人の観光行動と観光消費に関する事例分析 : 子供連れの親族訪問客を対象として

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Title: 訪日中国人の観光行動と観光消費に関する事例分析 : 子供連れの親族訪問客を対象として
Other Titles: Travel Behavior and Expenditure of Chinese Visitors in Japan : A Case Study of Visiting Relative’s Family
Authors: 師, 耀軒1 Browse this author
孫, 昊2 Browse this author
吉田, 裕介3 Browse this author
山本, 康貴4 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Shi, Yaoxuan1
Sun, Hao2
Yoshida, Yusuke3
Yamamoto, Yasutaka4
Issue Date: 31-Mar-2012
Publisher: 北海道大学大学院農学研究院
Journal Title: 北海道大学農經論叢
Journal Title(alt): The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University
Volume: 67
Start Page: 1
End Page: 6
Abstract: The fact that the number of Chinese visitors has recently been increasing more rapidly than any other group of tourists from overseas has drawn a great amount of attention in the Japanese tourism industry. The purpose of this study is to examine the status of their travel behavior and expenditures, using a Chinese family of visitors to Japan as a case study. A time-use survey was used as the study method, with a Chinese family visiting Japan as the subject. The results of our analysis showed a tendency to try to save travel costs, as well as a tendency to go to many sightseeing places and to try to ensure the greatest possible amount of time for sightseeing.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics > 第67集

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