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北海道農業経済研究 = Hokkaido Jounal of Agricultural Economics >
第11巻 第2号 >

HACCPラベルおよびエコラベル表示牛乳に対する価値評価 : 札幌市民を対象とした選択型コンジョイント分析による接近

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Title: HACCPラベルおよびエコラベル表示牛乳に対する価値評価 : 札幌市民を対象とした選択型コンジョイント分析による接近
Other Titles: Consumers' Willingness-to-Pay for HACCP and Eco labeled Milk
Authors: 岩本, 博幸1 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Iwamoto, Hiroyuki1
Issue Date: 11-Jan-2004
Publisher: 北海道農業経済学会
Journal Title: 北海道農業経済研究
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Start Page: 48
End Page: 60
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the importance in consumers' milk purchasing decisions of the price, freshness, use of the HACCP label, and use of the Eco-milk label (the latent attribute of the milk produced from the raw milk of dairy farms that comply with the law, which protects the environment by legally enforcing manure treatment). Choice Modeling is employed to quantify the welfare change associated with the change in the levels of these attributes for a sample of consumers taken in December 2000. The data for this study were collected through a mail survey of residents of Sapporo City. The results show that consumers have a positive perception of the HACCP label and the Eco-milk label. Consumers appear to be willing to pay as follows: 1) Extra 6 yen/liter (4% increase) to purchase HACCP-labeled milk. 2) Extra 12 yen/liter (8% increase) to purchase Eco-milk-labeled milk. The effects of socioeconomic variables on choice of milk are also examined. The findings on consumer welfare change in the parametric varying the socioeconomic vari-ables of the consumer are as follows: 1) Increasing the weekly expenditure for milk decreases Willingness-to-Pay for HACCP labeled milk. 2) The consumer who has a high income, has children, relies on the HACCP as food safety certification and places value on HACCP-labeled milk. 3) The consumer who has a high income, has children, has a need for an Eco-label on milk and places value on Eco-milk-labeled milk.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:北海道農業経済研究 = Hokkaido Jounal of Agricultural Economics > 第11巻 第2号

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