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A new tropical Oligocene dolphin from Montañita/Olón, Santa Elena, Ecuador

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Title: A new tropical Oligocene dolphin from Montañita/Olón, Santa Elena, Ecuador
Authors: Tanaka, Yoshihiro Browse this author →ORCID
Abella, Juan Browse this author
Aguirre-Fernández, Gabriel Browse this author
Gregori, Maria Browse this author
Fordyce, R. Ewan Browse this author
Issue Date: Dec-2017
Journal Title: PLOS ONE
Volume: 12
Issue: 12
Start Page: e0188380
Publisher DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0188380
Abstract: A new small probable Oligocene dolphin from Ecuador represents a new genus and species, Urkudelphis chawpipacha. The new taxon is known from a single juvenile skull and earbones; it differs from other archaic dolphins in features including widely exposed frontals at the vertex, a dorsally wide open vomer at the mesorostral groove, and a strongly projected and pointed lateral tuberosity of the periotic. Phylogenetic analysis places it toward the base of the largely-extinct clade Platanistoidea. The fossil is one of a few records of tropical fossil dolphins.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:総合博物館 (The Hokkaido University Museum) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 田中 嘉寛

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