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Graduate School of Agriculture / Faculty of Agriculture >
北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics >
第72集 >

農家における派遣労働者利用の特徴と選択要因 : 北海道札幌周辺農家を事例に

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Title: 農家における派遣労働者利用の特徴と選択要因 : 北海道札幌周辺農家を事例に
Other Titles: Characteristics of use of temporary workers at farms and reasons for using them Case study of farmers around Sapporo city, Hokkaido
Authors: 高畑, 裕樹1 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Takahata, Hiroki1
Issue Date: 31-Mar-2018
Publisher: 北海道大学大学院農学研究院
Journal Title: 農経論叢
Volume: 72
Start Page: 93
End Page: 100
Abstract: This paper aims to clarify the characteristics of the use of temporary workers at farms and selection factors with a questionnaire survey. As a result, the following was clarified. First, as a feature of temporary farm workers, the majority work for a short period, and their work consists of very simple tasks in many cases. Secondly, many farmers feel that the quality of the temporary workforce is lower than that of other sections of the labor force, because they think that temporary workers do not understand what they are told to do. Thirdly, in general, the shorter the employment period, the more difficult it is to sustainably employ part-time workers sustainably. This causes a raise in their wages, which is leading to a smaller difference between their wages and the wages of temporary workers, which are higher than wages in other sections of the labor force. It also became clear that temporary workers are being used in order to secure workers.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics > 第72集

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