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北方言語研究 = Northern Language Studies >
第9号 >

アイヌ語樺太西海岸南部方言テキスト(1) : 「カワウソのばけもの」

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Title: アイヌ語樺太西海岸南部方言テキスト(1) : 「カワウソのばけもの」
Other Titles: Ainu text in Southwest-Sakhalin dialect (1) : The One-eyed River Otter
Authors: 阪口, 諒1 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Sakaguchi, Ryo1
Keywords: 樺太アイヌ
Issue Date: 15-Mar-2019
Publisher: 日本北方言語学会
Journal Title: 北方言語研究
Journal Title(alt): Northern Language Studies
Volume: 9
Start Page: 131
End Page: 144
Abstract: 知里真志保(1909-1961)の遺稿ノートを翻刻した北海道教育庁生涯学習部文化課編(2002)(以下、【フィールド1】)には樺太アイヌの物語が複数掲載されている。そのうちいくつかはすでに和訳が公刊されているが、どの和訳と対応するのか分からないものもあり、遺稿ノートの忠実な翻刻のままでは利用しにくい。今回、【フィールド1】45-47頁に掲載の「Esaman Carahau」が既に「カワウソのばけもの」(一つ目の大入道)として公刊されていることが確認できた。また、いくつかの資料から語り手に関しても特定できるように思われる。この物語は「樺太西海岸タラントマリの伝承」であるが、樺太(サハリン)西海岸の散文物語で原文が公開されているものは極めて少ないことを考慮して、原文に新たな訳註を付すことにした。なお、この物語の原文はローマ字で筆記されている。
This paper aims to present a text of the Southwest-Sakhalin Dialect of Ainu. This is a folktale called “Carahaw” in their genre of folklore. The text has already been translated into Japanese by Prof. Mashiho CHIRI (1909-1961). The original Ainu text was extracted from “CHIRI Mashiho’s Field Note (1)” (published by Hokkaido Prefectural Board of Education, 2002), which contain Mr. Kotarō SASAKI (1923-1965)’s field notes of a recording of the tale thought to have been recited by Ms. Nayo YAMADA (?-?) in Tarantomari, Sakhalin in 1943. A version of the text romanized by the currently used method and a Japanese translation are also presented. The one-eyed river otter There were two brothers living in a settlement of Usoro. One day they made for the east coast of Sakhalin on a sled pulled by dogs. On the way, they stayed at a hut used by Ainu people when hunting marten. In the middle of the night, the younger brother woke up at a strange sound, looked around, the elder brother was being eaten by a one-eyed monster. He was frightened and ran out and unleashed the sled dogs. The monster was chased by the dogs, and darted off to a mountain. The next day the younger brother went to the nearby village to tell the people what had happened in the mountain. The men of the beach went to the mountain to kill it. In the night, the monster appeared again, and the men fought it with bows and spears, and killed it. At daybreak, all the people realized that the monster was an extravagantly large and old river-otter. Its skin was like a tanned leather and covered with pine resin. The skin was too hard to be pierced by a knife.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:北方言語研究 = Northern Language Studies > 第9号

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