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The aquatic macrophyte flora of a small pond revealing high species richness in the Aomori Prefecture, Japan

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Title: The aquatic macrophyte flora of a small pond revealing high species richness in the Aomori Prefecture, Japan
Authors: Shutoh, Kohtaroh Browse this author
Yamanouchi, Takashi Browse this author
Kato, Syou Browse this author
Yamagishi, Hiroki Browse this author
Ueno, Yusuke Browse this author
Hiramatsu, Shiori Browse this author
Nishihiro, Jun Browse this author
Shiga, Takashi Browse this author
Keywords: Aquatic plants
Natural lakes
Potamogeton lucens
Red List
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2019
Publisher: National Science Museum and Korean National Arboretum
Journal Title: Journal of Asia-pacific biodiversity
Volume: 12
Issue: 3
Start Page: 448
End Page: 458
Publisher DOI: 10.1016/j.japb.2019.02.006
Abstract: A small semiartificial pond, revealing high species richness with respect to the aquatic macrophytes, was studied in the Aomori Prefecture, Japan. The pond had been completely formed ca. 10 years previously after excavation into a wet bog. To identify and evaluate its aquatic macrophyte flora during 2017-2018, we listed the species of aquatic vascular plants and charophytes in the pond and compared this list with those from the natural Japanese lakes using a database of aquatic flora in Japan. Two species were identified by molecular analyses because they lacked any reproductive organs, which were necessary for identifying the species level. We found a total of 57 taxa of aquatic macrophytes including 15 Red List species in Japan or Aomori Prefecture. Comparing the flora list with those from the 66 natural Japanese lakes surveyed since 2001, the pond was ranked fourth in the order of diversity (based on species richness) and rarity (based on numbers of Red List species). Therefore, the pond is an important aquatic environment in terms of aquatic macrophyte conservation in Japan. Interestingly, for a pond with such high species diversity, it is relatively small (0.14 km(2)), semiartificial, and relatively recently formed. (C) 2019 National Science Museum of Korea (NSMK) and Korea National Arboretum (KNA), Publishing Services by Elsevier.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:総合博物館 (The Hokkaido University Museum) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

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