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Marimo-Bead-Supported Core-Shell Nanocomposites of Titanium Nitride and Chromium-Doped Titanium Dioxide as a Highly Efficient Water-Floatable Green Photocatalyst

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Title: Marimo-Bead-Supported Core-Shell Nanocomposites of Titanium Nitride and Chromium-Doped Titanium Dioxide as a Highly Efficient Water-Floatable Green Photocatalyst
Authors: Kaur, Manpreet Browse this author
Shinde, Satish Laxman Browse this author
Ishii, Satoshi Browse this author
Jevasuwan, Wipakorn Browse this author
Fukata, Naoki Browse this author
Yu, Min-Wen Browse this author
Li, Yunxiang Browse this author
Ye, Jinhua Browse this author
Nagao, Tadaaki Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: photocatalysis
titanium dioxide
titanium nitride
Issue Date: 15-Jul-2020
Publisher: American Chemical Society
Journal Title: ACS applied materials & interfaces
Volume: 12
Issue: 28
Start Page: 31327
End Page: 31339
Publisher DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c03781
Abstract: The release of untreated industrial wastewater creates a hazardous impact on the environment. In this regard, the development of an environmentally friendly catalyst is of paramount importance. Here, we report a highly efficient and reusable core-shell TiN/SiO2/Cr-TiO2 (TSCT) photocatalyst that is composed of SiO2-cladded titanium nitride (TiN) nanoparticles (NPs) decorated with Cr-doped TiO2 NPs for the removal of organic contaminants from water. The TiN NPs serve as the main light absorber component with excellent visible-light absorption along with Cr-TiO2 NPs. The TSCT shows remarkable improvement in the photodecomposition of methylene blue (MB) over Cr-TiO2 and TiO2 NPs. An efficient structural design is proposed by adopting calcium alginate beads (P-Marimo beads) as a transparent scaffold for supporting our TSCT, which floats nature on the water surface and realizes easy handling as well as excellent reusability for multipurpose water purification. Surprisingly, our TSCT is found to keep its catalytic activity even after the illumination is turned off. Our proposed P-Marimo-encapsulated TSCT can be utilized as an excellent green photocatalyst with high photocatalytic performance, good recyclability, and easy handling.
Rights: This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in ACS applied materials & interfaces, copyright c American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see
Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:理学院・理学研究院 (Graduate School of Science / Faculty of Science) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 長尾 忠昭

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