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Preparation of bioplastic consisting of salmon milt DNA

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Title: Preparation of bioplastic consisting of salmon milt DNA
Authors: Yamada, Masanori Browse this author
Kawamura, Midori Browse this author
Yamada, Tetsuya Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Nature Portfolio
Journal Title: Scientific reports
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Start Page: 7423
Publisher DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-11482-4
Abstract: The microplastic that pollutes the ocean is a serious problem around the world. The bioplastic consisting of biopolymers which is degraded in nature, is one of the strategies to solve this problem. Although the bioplastics consisting of protein, polysaccharide, polylactic acid, etc., have been reported, which consist of DNA, one of the most important materials in the genetic process, have not been reported to the best of our knowledge. In addition, a large amount of DNA-containing materials, such as salmon milts, is discarded as industrial waste around the world. Therefore, we demonstrated the preparation of a bioplastic consisting of salmon milt DNA. The DNA plastic was prepared by the immersion of a DNA pellet in a formaldehyde (HCHO) solution and heating. As a result, the water-stable DNA plastics were obtained at the HCHO concentration of 20% or more. Particularly, the DNA plastic with a 25% HCHO treatment showed water-insoluble, thermally stable, and highly mechanical properties. These are due to the formation of a three-dimensional network via the crosslinking reaction between the DNA chains. In addition, since DNA in plastic possesses the double-stranded structure, these plastics effectively accumulated the DNA intercalator, such as ethidium bromide. Furthermore, the DNA plastics indicated a biodegradable property in a nuclease-containing aqueous solution and the biodegradable stability was able to be controlled by the HCHO concentration. Therefore, salmon milt DNA has shown the potential to be a biodegradable plastic.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:農学院・農学研究院 (Graduate School of Agriculture / Faculty of Agriculture) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

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