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Morphology-Governed Performance of Multi-Dimensional Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Generation

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Title: Morphology-Governed Performance of Multi-Dimensional Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Generation
Authors: Wei, Zhishun Browse this author
Mogan, Tharishinny Raja Browse this author
Wang, Kunlei Browse this author
Janczarek, Marcin Browse this author
Kowalska, Ewa Browse this author →ORCID
Keywords: water splitting
hydrogen generation
heterogeneous photocatalysis
vis response
quantum dots
Issue Date: Nov-2021
Publisher: MDPI
Journal Title: Energies
Volume: 14
Issue: 21
Start Page: 7223
Publisher DOI: 10.3390/en14217223
Abstract: In the past few decades, extensive studies have been performed to utilize the solar energy for photocatalytic water splitting; however, up to the present, the overall efficiencies reported in the literature are still unsatisfactory for commercialization. The crucial element of this challenging concept is the proper selection and design of photocatalytic material to enable significant extension of practical application perspectives. One of the important features in describing photocatalysts, although underestimated, is particle morphology. Accordingly, this review presents the advances achieved in the design of photocatalysts that are dedicated to hydrogen generation, with an emphasis on the particle morphology and its potential correlation with the overall reaction performance. The novel concept of this work—with the content presented in a clear and logical way—is based on the division into five parts according to dimensional arrangement groups of 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D, and combined systems. In this regard, it has been shown that the consideration of the discussed aspects, focusing on different types of particle morphology and their correlation with the system’s efficiency, could be a promising route for accelerating the development of photocatalytic materials oriented for solar-driven hydrogen generation. Finally, concluding remarks (additionally including the problems connected with experiments) and potential future directions of particle morphology-based design of photocatalysts for hydrogen production systems have been presented.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:触媒科学研究所 (Institute for Catalysis) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: Ewa Kowalska

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