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Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces on Aluminum for Corrosion Protection with Improved Self-Healing Ability

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Title: Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces on Aluminum for Corrosion Protection with Improved Self-Healing Ability
Authors: Sakuraba, Kensuke Browse this author
Kitano, Sho Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Kowalski, Damian Browse this author
Aoki, Yoshitaka Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Habazaki, Hiroki Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: slippery liquid-infused porous surface
lubricant additive
Issue Date: 22-Sep-2021
Publisher: American Chemical Society
Journal Title: ACS applied materials & interfaces
Volume: 13
Issue: 37
Start Page: 45089
End Page: 45096
Publisher DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c13071
Abstract: Slippery liquid-infused porous surfaces (SLIPSs) can be formed by impregnating lubricants in porous surfaces with low surface energy. In this study, SLIPSs have been obtained on practically important aluminum with a porous anodic alumina layer by impregnating lubricants containing organic additives. The additive-containing lubricants change the surface slippery even without prior organic coating of the porous alumina surface. The additive-containing SLIPSs reveal a low water sliding angle of <5 degrees and markedly improved corrosion resistance in an acetic acid solution containing chloride. The SLIPSs are formed by the in situ adsorption of the organic additives on the porous alumina surface. The scratched defects induce corrosion of the organic coating-type SLIPSs, whereas the additive-containing SLIPSs sustain high corrosion resistance even after introducing scratch defects. The adsorption of the organic additive in lubricants and refilling of the lubricant are responsible for the self-healing of the corrosion resistance. Thus, the additive-containing SLIPSs are promising selfhealing corrosion-resistant surfaces.
Rights: This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in ACS applied materials & interfaces, copyright c American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see
Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 幅崎 浩樹

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