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Graduate School of Agriculture / Faculty of Agriculture >
北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics >
第76集 >

従業員継承に向けた後継者の確保において必要な農業法人の対応 : 北海道深川市の水田作法人を事例として

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Title: 従業員継承に向けた後継者の確保において必要な農業法人の対応 : 北海道深川市の水田作法人を事例として
Other Titles: Actions Required of Agricultural Corporations in Securing Successors for Employee Succession : A Case Study of A Paddy-Field Farming Corporation in Fukagawa, Hokkaido, Japan
Authors: 竹田, 駆1 Browse this author
東山, 寛2 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Takeda, Kakeru1
Higashiyama, Kan2
Issue Date: 31-Mar-2023
Publisher: 北海道大学大学院農学研究院
Journal Title: 北海道大学農經論叢
Journal Title(alt): The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics, Hokkaido University
Volume: 76
Start Page: 33
End Page: 40
Abstract: The shortage of successors has become a problem for agricultural corporations, which have increased in recent years, and it is necessary to secure employees from outside the member households as successors in order to transfer the management of the corporations. In addition, as agricultural corporations are becoming larger and larger while becoming the bearers of regional agriculture, it is necessary for the region to work on securing successors to the agricultural corporations. This paper, based on a case study of paddy-field farming corporation in Fukagawa City, clarifies the actions required for an agricultural corporation with no successor to secure employees for succession, and the support required from the local community. The necessary actions for agricultural corporations are to clarify the intention of the employees to succeed to the business, and to recruit and train employees from outside the region in cooperation with relevant local organizations in order to secure successors in parallel with recruitment activities for personnel within the region. The support required from the local community is to consolidate information on job vacancies at agricultural corporations and to act as a contact point for people who want to work in agriculture, thereby matching the two parties, preparing the environment for training and providing support for living during training.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics > 第76集

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