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Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences / Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences >
北方言語研究 = Northern Language Studies >
第14号 >

方言境界再考 : アイヌ語の方言境界を例として

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Title: 方言境界再考 : アイヌ語の方言境界を例として
Other Titles: Revisiting the Concept of Dialectal Boundary: An Exercise on the Ainu Dialects
Authors: 深澤, 美香1 Browse this author
小野, 洋平2 Browse this author
Authors(alt): FUKAZAWA, Mika1
ONO, Yohei2
Keywords: 方言境界
Ainu language
dialectal boundary
correspondence analysis
projection pursuit
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2024
Publisher: 日本北方言語学会
Journal Title: 北方言語研究
Journal Title(alt): Northern Language Studies
Volume: 14
Start Page: 155
End Page: 176
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:北方言語研究 = Northern Language Studies > 第14号

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