Statistical Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis result file [TAXON] 1 Neotrogla_brasiliensis.408 B 2 Neotrogla_curvata.476 B 3 Neotrogla_truncata.507 B 4 Neotrogla_aurora.467 B 5 Neotrogla_aurora.503 B 6 Neotrogla.sp5.501 B 7 Sensitibilla_strinatii.251 A 8 Sensitibilla_etosha.410 A 9 Afrotrogla_oryx.406 A 10 Speleketor_irwini308 C [TREE] Tree=(((((1:0.651719,2:0.651719):0.232025,3:0.883744):0.138024,((4:0.371664,5:0.371664):0.44409,6:0.815754):0.206014):0.869086,((7:0.618563,8:0.618563):0.635156,9:1.253719):0.637135):0.226105,10:2.116959); [RESULT] optimal distributions at each node: node 11 (anc. of terminals 1-2) (P=1.00): B 100.00 node 12 (anc. of terminals 1-3) (P=1.00): B 100.00 node 13 (anc. of terminals 4-5) (P=1.00): B 100.00 node 14 (anc. of terminals 4-6) (P=1.00): B 100.00 node 15 (anc. of terminals 1-6) (P=1.00): B 100.00 node 16 (anc. of terminals 7-8) (P=1.00): A 100.00 node 17 (anc. of terminals 7-9) (P=1.00): A 100.00 node 18 (anc. of terminals 1-9) (P=1.00): AB 100.00 node 19 (anc. of terminals 1-10) (P=1.00): ABC 100.00