Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | 石丸, 時大; 森, 傑; 森下, 満 | コーポラティブ住宅における住まい方の経年変化からみた共同性についての考察 その1 | Consideration of Value on Partnership from the Viewpoint of Aging on Co-operative Housing | 学術講演梗概集 | Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting | 12-Sep-2012 |
article | 芝井, 健一; 森, 傑; 森下, 満 | 北海道農村における農家の土地利用に関する課題考察 : 宅地内建物の理想配置と現況の差異に注目して | Consideration of the issues concerning the farmers' housing land use in Hokkaido : Focusing on differences between the ideal arrangement and the present condition of buildings | 日本建築学会計画系論文集 | Journal of architecture and planning | 28-Feb-2009 |
theses (doctoral) | 森下, 満 | 「時層色環」分析を中心とした町並み色彩の変容と形成に関する研究 | Study on Transition and Formation of Townscape Color by Analyzing 'Temporal Color Ring' | - | - | 23-Mar-2007 |
article | 森下, 満; 柳田, 良造; 野口, 孝博 | 神戸・異人館のペンキ色彩からみた町並みの変容 | Transition of townscape through paint colors of the western historic houses in Kobe | 日本建築学会計画系論文集 | Journal of architecture and planning | 30-Dec-2005 |
article | 森下, 満; 柳田, 良造; 野口, 孝博 | 変化と多様の町並み色彩形成のしくみ : 函館市西部地区のペンキ色彩と住民の暮らしのかかわりから | Formation mechanism of color of townscape has a harmony in the characteristics of change and diversity : study of the relationship between paint colors and residents' life at the West Historic Quarter in Hakodate | 日本建築学会計画系論文集 | Journal of architecture and planning | 30-Jun-2005 |
article | 森下, 満; 柳田, 良造; 眞嶋, 二郎; 野口, 孝博 | 函館市西部地区のペンキ色彩からみた町並みの変容 : 下見板張り洋風建物ペンキ層の「時層色環」分析を中心として | Transition of townscape through paint colors at the West Historic Quarter in Hakodate : analysis of "temporal color ring", paint layers of western style houses with wood siding | 日本建築学会計画系論文集 | Journal of architecture and planning | 30-May-2004 |
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6