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article柏谷, 悦章; 佐藤, 章; 石井, 邦宜55%Al-Zn合金めっき鋼板上の欠陥の種類と生成機構Kinds of Defect and Mechanism of Formation on the Hot-Dip Galvanized Coating日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsApr-2007
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Ishii, KuniyoshiAnalysis of the Transition State of the Carbon and Iron Oxide Mixture Activated by Mechanical Milling-ISIJ International-15-Dec-2004
article何, 国偉; 石井, 邦宜; 佐々木, 康; 柏谷, 悦章; 松浦, 清隆Ar熱プラズマ溶解した金属ボタンからの蒸気発生と浴内対流Relationship between Region of Preferential Vaporization and Bath Convection in Ar Arc Plasma Melting鉄と鋼-1-Jan-1998
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Toishi, Keigo; Kaneki, Yuichi; Yamakoshi, YukiyasuCatalytic Effect of Slags on the Formation of Bio-diesel Fuel-ISIJ International-15-Dec-2007
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Ishii, KuniyoshiCharacteristics of Nano-reactor and Phenomena during Mechanical Milling of Hematite-Graphite Mixture-ISIJ International-15-Dec-2004
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Nakauchi, Toshiki; Pham, Khanh Son; Akiyama, Seitarou; Ishii, KuniyoshiCrystallization Behaviors Concerned with TTT and CCT Diagrams of Blast Furnace Slag Using Hot Thermocouple Technique-ISIJ International-Jan-2007
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Cicutti, Carlos E.; Cramb, Alan W.; Ishii, KuniyoshiDevelopment of Double and Single Hot Thermocouple Technique for in Situ Observation and Measurement of Mold Slag Crystallization-ISIJ International-15-Apr-1998
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Shiomi, Yohei; Nomura, Takahiro; Hasegawa, MasakatsuEffect of Applied Voltage on the Current Density of CO2 Electrolysis in High Temperature-ISIJ International-15-Apr-2015
article汪, 志全; 佐々木, 康; 柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜EPMA走査面分析による焼結鉱中のカルシウムフェライト相の組成解析Composition Analysis of Calcium Ferrite in Iron Ore Sinters by EPMA Scanning Method鉄と鋼-1-Jun-2000
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Ishii, KuniyoshiFactors on the Measurement of Effective Thermal Diffusivity of Molten Slag Using Double Hot Thermocouple Technique-ISIJ International-15-Jan-2002
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Ishii, KuniyoshiGas Evolution during Mechanical Milling of Hematite-Graphite Mixture-ISIJ International-Dec-2004
article柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜H2Oによるコークスガス化反応における反応の種類The Kinds of Reactions in Coke Gasification by H2O鉄と鋼-1-Dec-1993
article柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜H2Oによるコークスガス化反応の反応機構と速度解析Reaction Mechanism and Kinetic Analysis of Coke Gasification by H2O鉄と鋼-1-Dec-1993
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Yamaguchi, Yasuhide; Kinoshita, Hiroshi; Ishii, KuniyoshiIn Situ Observation of Reduction Behavior of Hematite with Solid Carbon and Crystallographic Orientation between Hematite and Magnetite-ISIJ International-Feb-2007
articleYang, Jian; Zhang, Jianqiang; Sasaki, Yasushi; Ostrovski, Oleg; Zhang, Chen; Cai, Dexiang; Kashiwaya, YoshiakiIn-situ Study of Crystallisation Behaviour of CaO–SiO2–Na2O–B2O3–TiO2–Al2O3–MgO–Li2O Fluorine-free Mould Fluxes with Different CaO/SiO2 Ratios-ISIJ International-15-Apr-2016
articleKhaki, Jalil Vahdati; Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Ishii, Kuniyoshi; Suzuki, HiroshiIntensive Improvement of Reduction Rate of Hematite-Graphite Mixture by Mechanical Milling-ISIJ International-15-Jan-2002
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Cicutti, Carlos E.; Cramb, Alan W.An Investigation of the Crystallization of a Continuous Casting Mold Slag Using the Single Hot Thermocouple Technique-ISIJ International-15-Apr-1998
articleHasegawa, Hiroki; Kurniawan, Ade; Iwamoto, Itsuki; Cahyono, Rochim Bakti; Budiman, Arief; Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Nomura, TakahiroIronmaking Using Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) as Reducing Agent: A Preliminary Investigation on MSW Decomposition and Ore Reduction Behavior-ISIJ international-15-Dec-2022
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Ishii, KuniyoshiKinetic analysis of coke gasification based on non-crystal/crystal ratio of carbon-ISIJ International-15-May-1991
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Watanabe, MasamiKinetic Analysis of the Decomposition Reaction of CH4 Injecting into Molten Slag-ISIJ International-Aug-2012
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Hokkaido University