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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Sasaki, Muneteru; Hasegawa, Tomoka; Yamada, Tamaki; Hongo, Hiromi; Luiz de Freitas, Paulo Henrique; Suzuki, Reiko; Yamamoto, Tomomaya; Tabata, Chihiro; Toyosawa, Satoru; Yamamoto, Tsuneyuki; Oda, Kimimitsu; Li, Minqi; Inoue, Nobuo; Amizuka, NorioAltered distribution of bone matrix proteins and defective bone mineralization in klotho-deficient mice-Bone-Nov-2013
article (author version)Ooi, K.; Inoue, N.; Matsushita, K.; Yamaguchi, H.; Mikoya, T.; Kawashiri, S.; Tei, K.Body Weight Loss After Orthognathic Surgery: Comparison Between Postoperative Intermaxillary Fixation with Metal Wire and Elastic Traction, Factors Related to Body Weight Loss-Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery-Mar-2021
article (author version)Kashiwazaki, Haruhiko; Matsushita, Takae; Sugita, Junichi; Shigematsu, Akio; Kasashi, Kumiko; Yamazaki, Yutaka; Kanehira, Takashi; Kondo, Takeshi; Endo, Tomoyuki; Tanaka, Junji; Hashino, Satoshi; Nishio, Mitsufumi; Imamura, Masahiro; Kitagawa, Yoshimasa; Inoue, NobuoA comparison of oral mucositis in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation between conventional and reduced-intensity regimens-Supportive Care in Cancer-May-2012
articleKobayashi, Kunihiko; Okada, Kazutaka; Ozaki, Kimiya; Yamazaki, Yutaka; Notani, Kenji; Inoue, NobuoDevelopment of a technical aid for occlusal adjustment during dental treatment under general anesthesia-北海道歯学雑誌-Sep-2017
article (author version)Ooi, Kazuhiro; Inoue, Nobuo; Matsushita, Kazuhiro; Yamaguchi, Hiro-o; Mikoya, Tadashi; Kawashiri, Shuichi; Tei, KanchuFactors related to patients' nutritional state after orthognathic surgery-Oral and maxillofacial surgery-Dec-2019
articleKondoh, Miyako; Ohga, Noritaka; Akiyama, Kosuke; Hida, Yasuhiro; Maishi, Nako; Towfik, Alam Mohammad; Inoue, Nobuo; Shindoh, Masanobu; Hida, KyokoHypoxia-Induced Reactive Oxygen Species Cause Chromosomal Abnormalities in Endothelial Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment-Plos one-15-Nov-2013
article (author version)Matsushita, Kazuhiro; Inoue, Nobuo; Totsuka, YasunoriIn vitro biomechanical evaluation of the effect of an additional L-shaped plate on straight or box plate fixation in sagittal split ramus osteotomy using a bioabsorbable plate system-Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery-Sep-2011
article (author version)Matsushita, Kazuhiro; Inoue, Nobuo; Kobori, Yoshinori; Tei, KanchuNew device for palatal expansion in conjunction with the Le Fort I osteotomy-British journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery-Dec-2015
article (author version)Matsushita, Kazuhiro; Inoue, Nobuo; Ooi, Kazuhiro; Totsuka, YasunoriPostoperative pressure-induced alopecia after segmental osteotomy at the upper and lower frontal edentulous areas for distraction osteogenesis-Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery-Sep-2011
theses (doctoral)Harada, Eriko; Moriya, Shingo; Murata, Ayumi; Muramatsu, Masumi; Kashiwazaki, Haruhiko; Kobayashi, Kunihiko; Notani, Kenji; Inoue, NobuoRelationship between subjective assessment of oral health and medical expenses in community-dwelling elderly persons地域自立高齢者の口腔の主観的健康感と医療費との関係--24-Mar-2011
article (author version)Matsushita, Kazuhiro; Inoue, Nobuo; Yamaguchi, Hiro-o; Ooi, Kazuhiro; Totsuka, YasunoriTooth-borne distraction of the lower anterior subapical segment for correction of class II malocclusion, subsequent to genioplasty.-Oral and maxillofacial surgery-Sep-2011
articleMaishi, Nako; Ohba, Yusuke; Akiyama, Kosuke; Ohga, Noritaka; Hamada, Jun-ichi; Nagao-Kitamoto, Hiroko; Alam, Mohammad Towfik; Yamamoto, Kazuyuki; Kawamoto, Taisuke; Inoue, Nobuo; Taketomi, Akinobu; Shindoh, Masanobu; Hida, Yasuhiro; Hida, KyokoTumour endothelial cells in high metastatic tumours promote metastasis via epigenetic dysregulation of biglycan-Scientific reports-13-Jun-2016
article山田, 利恵; 土門, 卓文; 井上, 農夫男; 野谷, 健治サーモンカルシトニンがメダカ破骨細胞に及ぼす影響Effect of salmon calcitonin on osteoclasts in Japanese medaka北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2013
article原田, 尚樹; 柏崎, 晴彦; 赤澤, 敏之; 村田, 勝; 相沢, 智康; 出村, 誠; 田中, 順三; 飯塚, 正; 井上, 農夫男ラット頭頂骨骨膜下における rhBMP-2添加多孔性キトサン/ハイドロキシアパタイト複合体による骨形成Bone formation by porous chitosan /hydroxyapatite composite with rhBMP-2 on rat calvaria北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2012
article大井, 一浩; 上田, 康夫; 黒須, 拓郎; 松下, 和裕; 小野, 貢伸; 山口, 博雄; 高野, 昌士; 北田, 秀昭; 榊原, 典幸; 西川, 圭吾; 大畑, 昇; 井上, 農夫男; 戸塚, 靖則北海道大学病院歯科診療センターにおけるRapid Prototyping Techniqueにより作製した顎顔面模型の臨床応用Clinical Applications of a Maxillofacial Model using a Rapid Prototyping Technique in the Center for Dental Clinics, Hokkaido University Hospital北海道歯学雑誌Hokkaido journal of dental science15-Dec-2010
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15


Hokkaido University