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bulletin (article)MONTANI, Shigeru; MAITA, YoshiakiDiagenetic Significance of γ-Aminobutyric Acid in Marine Sediment海岸堆積物中のγ-アミノ酪酸の続成的意義北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYFeb-1986
article (author version)Usui, Toshihiro; Nagao, Seiya; Yamamoto, Masanobu; Suzuki, Koji; Kudo, Isao; Montani, Shigeru; Noda, Atsushi; Minagawa, MasaoDistribution and sources of organic matter in surficial sediments on the shelf and slope off Tokachi, western North Pacific, inferred from C and N stable isotopes and C / N ratios-Marine Chemistry-Feb-2006
articleMeksumpun, Shettapong; Meksumpun, Charumas; Montani, ShigeruEffects of Temperature on the Germination of Marine Phytoflagellate Cysts-Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science)-2005
articleSuga, Natsumi; Kajihara, Rumiko; Shibanuma, Seiichiro; Yamada, Toshiro; Montani, ShigeruEstimation of microphytobenthic resuspension fluxes in a shallow lagoon in Hokkaido, Japan-Plankton and Benthos Research-2011
articleKomorita, Tomohiro; Kajihara, Rumiko; Tsutsumi, Hiroaki; Shibanuma, Seiichiro; Yamada, Toshiro; Montani, ShigeruFood Sources for Ruditapes philippinarum in a Coastal Lagoon Determined by Mass Balance and Stable Isotope Approaches-Plos one-28-Jan-2014
articleSuksomjit, Marut; Tada, Kuninao; Ichimi, Kazuhiko; Montani, ShigeruHigh tolerance of phytoplankton for extremely high ammonium concentrations in the eutrophic coastal water of Dokai Bay (Japan)-うみ-28-Nov-2009
articleKuribayashi, Takanori; Abe, Tsuyoshi; Montani, ShigeruHistorical delta(15) N records of Saccharina specimens from oligotrophic waters of Japan Sea (Hokkaido)-PLoS ONE-12-Jul-2017
articleTsutsumi, Hiroaki; Takamatsu, Atsushi; Nagata, Sayaka; Orita, Ryo; Umehara, Akira; Komorita, Tomohiro; Shibanuma, Seiichiro; Takahashi, Tohru; Komatsu, Toshimitsu; Montani, ShigeruImplications of changes in the benthic environment and decline of macro-benthic communities in the inner part of Ariake Bay in relation to seasonal hypoxia-Plankton and Benthos Research-2015
articleKajihara, Rumiko; Komorita, Tomohiro; Hamada, Akemi; Shibanuma, Seiichiro; Yamada, Toshiro; Montani, ShigeruPossibility of direct utilization of seagrass and algae as main food resources by small gastropod, Lacuna decorata, in a subarctic lagoon, Hichirippu, eastern Hokkaido, Japan with stable isotope evidences of carbon and nitrogen-Plankton and Benthos Research-2010
article (author version)Komorita, Tomohiro; Kajihara, Rumiko; Tsutsumi, Hiroaki; Shibanuma, Seiichiro; Yamada, Toshiro; Higaki, Naoyuki; Montani, ShigeruReevaluation of the nutrient mineralization process by infaunal bivalves (Ruditapes philippinarum) in a shallow lagoon in Hokkaido, Japan-Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology-31-Jan-2010
articleYara, Yumiko; Yanagi, Tetsuo; Montani, Shigeru; Kuninao, TadaRole of tidal flat in material cycling in the coastal sea-うみ-28-Aug-2007
articleMontani, Shigeru; Magni, Paolo; Abe, NaoSeasonal and interannual patterns of intertidal microphytobenthos in combination with laboratory and areal production estimates-Marine ecology progress series-10-Mar-2003
articleTerasaki, Emi; Morita, Kou; Yasuda, Masaomi; Maekawa, Kimihiko; Montani, ShigeruSpatial distribution of phytopigments and organic matter in surface sediments in Lake Saroma (Hokkaido, Japan)-うみ-30-Dec-2013
bulletin (article)門谷, 茂; 米田, 義昭; 深瀬, 茂オホーツク海堆積物の有機炭素・窒素の水平および鉛直分布についてVertical Plofiles and Horizontal Distribution of Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in the Okhotsk Sea Sediments北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYNov-1979
article多田, 邦尚; 門谷, 茂; Suksomjit, Veeraporn; 広瀬, 敏一; 一見, 和彦ハマチ Sariola quinqueradiata 養殖場における沈降粒子束Settling flux at Yellowtail Sariola quinqueradiata aquaculture farm日本水産学会誌-17-Aug-2009
bulletin (article)辻, 泰世; 門谷, 茂亜寒帯汽水湖(風蓮湖)におけるシジミ漁業の再構築を見据えた水質・底質環境の現状評価The evaluation of environmental quality of a brackish lake in subarctic zone (Lake Furen, Japan) toward the reconstruction of Corbicula japonica fishery低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2016
article濱田, 建一郎; 上田, 直子; 山田, 真知子; 多田, 邦尚; 門谷, 茂栄養塩濃度が大幅に減少した洞海湾の貧酸素水塊と低次生産過程について(シンポジウム:沿岸海域の貧酸素化)Oxygen-deficient Water Volume and Marine Lower Trophic Processes in Dokai Bay after Large Decreases in Nutrient Concentrations(Symposium: Hypoxic Water in Coastal Seas)沿岸海洋研究-30-Aug-2010
article濱田, 建一郎; 上田, 直子; 山田, 真知子; 多田, 邦尚; 門谷, 茂過栄養内湾(洞海湾) における粒子状物質の生化学的特徴と 鉛直輸送過程の季節変化Seasonal Changes in Biochemical Characteristics and Vertical Transport of Particulate Organic Matter in Hypertrophic Dokai Bay, Japan沿岸海洋研究-30-Aug-2010
bulletin (article)米田, 義昭; 門谷, 茂; 深瀬, 茂海洋堆積物中のアミノ酸の分布に及ぼすフミン物質の役割Role of Humic Substances on Amino Acid Distribution in Marine Sediments北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYJun-1982
article門谷, 茂; 三戸, 勇吾; 山田, 佳裕; 多田, 邦尚; 木田, 明典; 上田, 直子; 山田, 真知子感潮河川(北九州市紫川)の高濁度域における懸濁粒子の起源Origin of the Suspended Particles with High Turbidity Area in Murasaki River Estuary水環境学会誌-Oct-2006
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Hokkaido University