Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
article | Khan, Arslan Qayyum; Deng, Pengru; Matsumoto, Takashi | Approximate Analytical Conditions of a Panel RC Slab for Reproducing the Fatigue Behaviors of a Real Bridge RC Slab | - | Journal of advanced concrete technology | - | Jan-2020 |
article | 櫻庭, 浩樹; 松本, 高志; 稲田, 裕; 松井, 孝洋 | CFRP・コンクリート合成梁の軸力作用下の曲げ挙動に関する解析的検討 | - | コンクリート工学年次論文集 | - | 2010 |
article | 松本, 高志; 石澤, 郁馬; 近藤, 健太 | CFRPのらせん積層化による曲げ挙動と破壊形態の検討 | INVESTIGATION ON FLEXURAL BEHAVIORS AND FAILURE MODES OF HELICOIDALLY LAMINATED CFRP | 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学) | Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A2 (Applied Mechanics (AM)) | 2018 |
article (author version) | Deng, Pengru; Matsumoto, Takashi | Determination of dominant degradation mechanisms of RC bridge deck slabs under cyclic moving loads | - | International journal of fatigue | - | Jul-2018 |
article | Matsumoto, Takashi; Mihashi, Hirozo | DFRCC Terminology and Application Concepts | - | Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology | - | Nov-2003 |
article | Matsumoto, Takashi | Effect of fiber-matrix interfacial bond degradation on monotonic and cyclic crack bridging laws in short fiber reinforced cementitious composites | 短繊維補強複合材料の単調及び繰返し載荷下ひび割れ架橋則における繊維‐母材間界面付着劣化の影響 | 応用力学論文集 | - | 2010 |
article | Deng, Pengru; Matsumoto, Takashi | Estimation of the Rebar Force in RC Members from the Analysis of the Crack Mouth Opening Displacement Based on Fracture Mechanics | - | Journal of advanced concrete technology | - | Feb-2017 |
article (author version) | Ma, Chi Hieu; Deng, Pengru; Matsumoto, Takashi | Fatigue analysis of orthotropic steel-ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) composite deck considering accelerated deterioration and self-healing of fractured ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete in surface water condition | - | Advances in Structural Engineering | - | 3-Oct-2023 |
article (author version) | Safdar, Muhammad; Matsumoto, Takashi; Kakuma, Ko | Flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams repaired with ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) | - | Composite structures | - | 1-Dec-2016 |
article | Nagai, Takamasa; Deng, Pengru; Matsumoto, Takashi | Image Analysis for Deformation Behaviors of RC Beams with Simulated Deteriorations under Moving Wheel Load | - | Journal of advanced concrete technology | - | 15-Feb-2022 |
article (author version) | Deng, Pengru; Gan, Zhiping; Hayashikawa, Toshiro; Matsumoto, Takashi | Seismic response of highway viaducts equipped with lead-rubber bearings under low temperature | - | Engineering structures | - | 15-Apr-2020 |
article (author version) | Deng, Pengru; Mi, Hongji; Mitamura, Hiroshi; Matsumoto, Takashi | Stress reduction effects of ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete overlaid steel bridge deck developed with a new interfacial bond method | - | Construction and building materials | - | 18-Apr-2022 |
article (author version) | Beng, Si Soon; Matsumoto, Takashi | Survival analysis on bridges for modeling bridge replacement and evaluating bridge performance | - | Structure and Infrastructure Engineering | - | Mar-2012 |
article (author version) | 櫻庭, 浩樹; 松本, 高志; 堀本, 歴; 林川, 俊郎 | VaRTM 成形による箱形断面CFRP 梁の曲げ挙動に及ぼす積層構成の影響 | - | 構造工学論文集 A | - | Mar-2012 |
article (author version) | Deng, Pengru; Matsumoto, Takashi | Weight function calculation method for analyzing mixed-mode shear cracks in reinforced concrete beams | - | Structures | - | Oct-2021 |
article (author version) | Deng, Pengru; Matsumoto, Takashi | Weight function determinations for shear cracks in reinforced concrete beams based on finite element method | - | Engineering Fracture Mechanics | - | 15-May-2017 |
article | 松本, 高志; 三重野, 嵩之; 櫻庭, 浩樹 | せん断スパン長の異なる箱形断面CFRP梁の単層板破壊に基づく解析 | - | 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) | - | 2015 |
article | 松本, 高志; 石澤, 郁馬; 近藤, 健太 | らせん積層CFRP板の曲げ破壊挙動の検討 | STUDY ON THE FLEXURAL FRACTURE BEHAVIORS OF HELICOIDALLY LAMINATED CFRP | 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学) | Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A2 (Applied Mechanics (AM)) | 2019 |
article | 松本, 高志; 何, 興文; 林川, 俊郎 | 画像解析の高密度化による箱形断面CFRP梁の損傷挙動の検討 | - | 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学) | - | 2014 |
article | 櫻庭, 浩樹; 松本, 高志; 林川, 俊郎; 稲田, 裕; 吉武, 謙二; 杉山, 博一; 後藤, 茂; 石塚, 与志雄; 鈴川, 研二; 松井, 孝洋 | 曲げと軸力作用下におけるコンクリート充填箱形断面CFRP梁の変形および耐荷特性の解析的検討 | - | 構造工学論文集 A | - | Aug-2010 |