Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Ozawa, Miho; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Ikeda, Tsutomu; Watanabe, Yuji; Ishizaka, Joji | Abundance and community structure of chaetognaths from the epipelagic through abyssopelagic zones in the western North Pacific and its adjacent seas | - | Plankton & benthos research | - | Nov-2007 |
article | 渡辺, 雄二; 石田, 洋; 山口, 篤; 石坂, 丞二 | III-5. 中深層プランクトンへの影響(III. 生物への影響)(二酸化炭素の海洋隔離技術と生物への影響) | III-5. Effects of High Concentration of CO2 on Deep-Sea Plankton | 日本水産学会誌 | - | 15-Jul-2001 |
article | Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Ikeda, Tsutomu; Watanabe, Yuji; Ishizaka, Joji | Vertical distribution patterns of pelagic copepods as viewed from the predation pressure hypothesis | - | Zoological studies | - | Apr-2004 |
article | 山口, 篤; 渡辺, 雄二; 石坂, 丞二; 池田, 勉 | 深海生物群集:生物量と食物網 | Deep-sea biological community:their biomass and food web | 月刊海洋 | - | 1-Aug-2008 |
article | 山口, 篤; 石坂, 丞二; 渡辺, 雄二 | 西部北太平洋におけるプランクトン群集の鉛直分布(WEST-COSMIC) | Vertical distribution of plankton community in the western North Pacific Ocean (WEST-COSMIC) | 日本プランクトン学会報 | - | 25-Aug-2000 |
article | 渡辺, 雄一; 石田, 洋; 山口, 篤; 石坂, 丞二 | 中層プランクトンへのCO2の影響 | - | 月刊海洋 | - | 1-Nov-2001 |
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6