Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | proceedings | 小水内, 俊介; 二宮, 伸治; 金井, 理; 近野, 敦; コリー, 紀代 | 手技に応じた生体反応を呈する看護シミュレータESTE-SIMと人工呼吸器シミュレータSimmarの統合 | Integration of ESTE-SIM, a nursing simulator that exhibits vital reactions according to procedures, and Simmar, a ventilator simulator | 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会予稿集 | - | 16-Dec-2023 |
conference presentation | Colley, Noriyo; Komizunai, Shunsuke; Kono, Yukari; Nemoto, Moe; Kangasniemi, Mari | Protection of front-line nurses from life-threatening infection by suctioning robots : a systematic review | - | - | - | Jul-2023 |
article | Bilesan, Alireza; Komizunai, Shunsuke; Tsujita, Teppei; Konno, Atsushi | Improved 3D Human Motion Capture Using Kinect Skeleton and Depth Sensor | - | Journal of robotics and mechatronics | - | Dec-2021 |
article | Ebina, Koki; Abe, Takashige; Higuchi, Madoka; Furumido, Jun; Iwahara, Naoya; Kon, Masafumi; Hotta, Kiyohiko; Komizunai, Shunsuke; Kurashima, Yo; Kikuchi, Hiroshi; Matsumoto, Ryuji; Osawa, Takahiro; Murai, Sachiyo; Tsujita, Teppei; Sase, Kazuya; Chen, Xiaoshuai; Konno, Atsushi; Shinohara, Nobuo | Motion analysis for better understanding of psychomotor skills in laparoscopy : objective assessment-based simulation training using animal organs | - | Surgical endoscopy and other interventional techniques | - | Aug-2021 |
article | Taneda, Kenji; Mani, Hiroki; Kato, Norio; Komizunai, Shunsuke; Ishikawa, Keita; Maruya, Takashi; Hasegawa, Naoya; Takamatsu, Yasuyuki; Asaka, Tadayoshi | Effects of simulated peripheral visual field loss on the static postural control in young healthy adults | - | Gait & Posture | - | May-2021 |
article | Yoshimura, Takaaki; Colley, Noriyo; Komizunai, Shunsuke; Ninomiya, Shinji; Kanai, Satoshi; Konno, Atsushi; Yasuda, Koichi; Taguchi, Hiroshi; Hashimoto, Takayuki; Shimizu, Shinichi | Construction of a detachable artificial trachea model for three age groups for use in an endotracheal suctioning training environment simulator | - | PLoS ONE | - | 29-Mar-2021 |
article (author version) | 萬谷, 麗奈; コリー, 紀代; 小水内, 俊介; 近野, 敦; 金井, 理; 浅賀, 忠義; 中村, 美鈴; 井上, 創造; 萬井, 太規; 二宮, 伸治 | 気管内吸引手技の2D/3D動画視聴による学習効果評価指標の開発 | Development of Optic Educational Criteria using Two- and Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics of Tracheal Suctioning for Experts and Novices | 医工学治療 | - | Mar-2021 |
article (author version) | コリー, 紀代; 小水内, 俊介 | 手背移動量測定による気管内吸引時の飛沫感染防護法の比較 | - | 北海道小児保健研究会会誌 | - | 2021 |
article | Colley, Noriyo; Komizunai, Shunsuke; Konno, Atsushi; Kanai, Satoshi; Ninomiya, Shinji | Relationship Between Tracheal Suctioning Catheter Motion and Secretion Amount Based on Viscosity | - | Sage Open Nursing | - | Oct-2020 |
article (author version) | Colley, Noriyo; Mani, Hiroki; Ninomiya, Shinji; Komizunai, Shunsuke; Murata, Eri; Oshita, Hiroka; Taneda, Kenji; Shima, Yusuke; Asaka, Tadayoshi | Effective Catheter Manoeuvre for the Removal of Phlegm by Suctioning : A Biomechanical Analysis of Experts and Novices | - | Journal of medical and biological engineering | - | 24-Apr-2020 |
article (author version) | 竹内, 由佳; コリー, 紀代; 二宮, 伸治; 小水内, 俊介; 金井, 理; 浅賀, 忠義; 中村, 美鈴; 井上, 創造; 村田, 恵理; 萬井, 太規; 近野, 敦 | 気管内吸引手技中の視線計測による看護師と看護学生の習熟度の比較 | Comparison of visual proficiency of endotracheal suctioning between novices and experts | 医工学治療 | - | Nov-2019 |
article | 長内, 真理乃; コリー, 紀代; 小水内, 俊介; 二宮, 伸治; 金井, 理; 浅賀, 忠義; 中村, 美鈴; 井上, 創造; 村田, 恵理; 萬井, 太規; 近野, 敦 | 気管内吸引技術における動作分析を用いた習熟度評価の検討 : 前屈姿勢,手背移動,停留,NASA-TLXを指標として | Proficiency evaluation of tracheal suctioning using motion capture system and the NASA-TLX | 日本小児呼吸器学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of pediatric pulmonology | - | 2019 |
article | コリー, 紀代; 清水, 弘美; 高橋, 望; 小水内, 俊介; 近野, 敦; 金井, 理; 二宮, 伸治; 大塚, 健; 浅賀, 忠義 | 熟練看護師の視線計測による気管内吸引オントロジーの構築と今後の可能性 | Future Possibilities for Endotracheal Suctioning Ontologies Based on the Ocular Movement of Skilled Nurses | 医学教育 | - | 25-Apr-2018 |
article (author version) | コリー, 紀代; 近野, 敦; 小水内, 俊介; 二宮, 伸治 | 小児を対象とした安全な気管内吸引方法の確立に向けて : 動圧吸引法と静圧吸引法の比較 | - | 北海道小児保健研究会会誌 | - | 2018 |
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14