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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleHACHIKUBO, Akihiro; YAMAGUCHI, Satoru; ARAKAWA, Hayato; TANIKAWA, Tomonori; HORI, Masahiro; SUGIURA, Konosuke; MATOBA, Sumito; NIWANO, Masashi; KUCHIKI, Katsuyuki; AOKI, TeruoEffects of temperature and grain type on time variation of snow specific surface area積雪比表面積の時間変化に及ぼす温度および雪質の影響Bulletin of Glaciological Research-Aug-2014
bulletin (article)南, 尚嗣; 坂上, 寛敏; 八久保, 晶弘; 山下, 聡; 庄子, 仁; 髙橋, 信夫サハリン北東沖の海底表層型メタンハイドレート : 間隙水中の溶存イオンによるメタンフラックス評価Sub-bottom methane hydrates off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia : Evaluation of methane flux by dissolved ions in the sediment pore waters低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2016
bulletin (article)八久保, 晶弘天然ガスハイドレート結晶構造に及ぼすガスの組成とその起源 : ロシア・バイカル湖の結晶構造Ⅱ型ハイドレートの例Effect of gas composition and its origin on crystallographic structure of natural gas hydrate : a case study of crystallographic structure II gas hydrate in Lake Baikal, Russia低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2013
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3


Hokkaido University