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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Yoshimura, Yasuo; Maekawa, Kazuyoshi; Nakajima, Shuichi; Osaka, KazuhiroApplication of Push-Pull Control Slipping Clutch to the Marine Propulsion System-Proceedings of ISME Tokyo 2000-2000
proceedings (author version)Kawashima, Toshihiko; Yoshimura, Yasuo; Suzuki, ShirouApplication of Rankine Sourse Method for Improving Hull Form of Fishing Vessels-Fisheries Science-Jun-2002
proceedings (author version)Yoshimura, Yasuo; Kose, Kuniji; Hiraguchi, TomihiroCriteria for Yaw-checking and Course- keeping Abilities in IMO's Interim Standards for Ship Manoeuvrability-MARSIM 2000 Conference Proceedings-8-May-2000
article (author version)Yoshimura, Yasuo; Koyanagi, YasunariDesign of a Small Fisheries Research Vessel with Low Level of Underwater-Radiated Noise-Journal of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan海洋音響学会誌Jul-2004
proceedings (author version)Yoshimura, Yasuo; Ma, NingManoeuvring Prediction of Fishing Vessels-MARSIM'03 Conference Proceedings-2003
proceedings (author version)Yoshimura, YasuoA Prospect of Sail-Assisted Fishing Boats-Fisheries Science-Jun-2002
proceedings (author version)Yabuki, Hideo; Yoshimura, Yasuo; Ishiguro, Tsuyoshi; Ueno, MichioTurning motion of a ship with single CPP and single rudder during stopping maneuver under windy condition---Jun-2006
proceedings (author version)Yoshimura, Yasuo; Nakao, Ikao; Ishibashi, AtsushiUnified Mathematical Model for Ocean and Harbour Manoeuvring---17-Aug-2009
article朴, 俊成; 芳村, 康男ウォータージェット型水中ビークルの運動性能Study on Dynamics Model of Underwater Vehicle Controlled by Water-jet System水産工学-15-Nov-2010
article (author version)芳村, 康男; 馬, 寧; 鈴木, 四郎; 梶原, 善之バルジによる改造漁船船型の操縦性能Manoeuvring Performance of the Fishing Boat Modified by a Bulge日本造船学会論文集-2002
article (author version)馬, 寧; 芳村, 康男; 木村, 暢夫; 鈴木, 四郎; 山越, 康行バルジによる改造漁船船型の波浪中運動の基本特性Fundamental Characteristics of Motion in Waves of a Fishing Vessel with Bulges日本造船学会論文集-2002
article (author version)川島, 敏彦; 芳村, 康男; 鈴木, 四郎; 大本, 耕司バルジによる漁船の船型改良についてImprovement of Hull Form of Fishing Vessel by Suitable Bulge日本造船学会論文集-2003
article (author version)芳村, 康男; 雨宮, 伊作; 松川, 英輔; 今, 吾一荒天錨泊時の係留力の実験的検証Experimental Analysis on the Anchor Mooring Force in Heavy Storm Condition日本航海学会論文集-25-Sep-2009
article (author version)芳村, 康男; 矢吹, 英雄; 横尾, 泰宜; 川島, 敏彦小型漁船第三新生丸の衝突転覆事故の検証Analysis on the Capsizing Accident of the Small Fishing Boat “Sinsei-Maru No.3”日本航海学会論文集-25-Mar-2008
article (author version)芳村, 康男浅水域の船首沈下(bow squat)の簡易推定Simple Prediction Model of Bow Squat in Shallow Water日本航海学会論文集-25-Sep-2009
article (author version)芳村, 康男; 五十嵐, 佳子; 黒田, 貴子; 菊本, 充弘帆角度制御による横揺れ減揺の研究Roll-damping Control by Sail-angle日本船舶海洋工学会論文集-Dec-2005
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16


Hokkaido University