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articleGautam, PitambarA Web of Science based bibliometric reconnaissance of the Himalaya-Karakoram-Hindukush-Tibet region with focus on field sciences-Journal of Nepal Geological Society-14-Sep-2021
article (author version)Gautam, Pitambar; Huyghe, Pascale; Mugnier, Jean‐Louis; Regmi, Kamal R.Magneto‐chemical signature of the Lower‐to‐Middle Siwaliks transition in the Karnali River section (Western Nepal): Implications for Himalayan tectonics and climate-Geological Journal-21-Jan-2020
book岡田, 尚武; ゴータム, ピタンバル北の息吹 : 日本の魅力的なワイルドフラワー500種. Version 4(最終版)Blessings from the Northern Island : 500 attractive wildflowers of Japan. Version 4--Jan-2020
articleGautam, PitambarA Bibliometric Approach for Department-Level Disciplinary Analysis and Science Mapping of Research Output Using Multiple Classification Schemes-Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia-22-Jul-2019
book岡田, 尚武; ゴータム, ピタンバル北の息吹 : 日本の魅力的なワイルドフラワー500種. Version 3.0Blessings from the Northern Island : 500 attractive wildflowers of Japan. Version 3.0--2018
article (author version)Gautam, PitambarAn overview of the Web of Science record of scientific publications (2004–2013) from Nepal: focus on disciplinary diversity and international collaboration-Scientometrics-Dec-2017
articleGautam, PitambarScientific Publications and World University Rankings : Focus on Bibliometric Indicators at Institution (Hokkaido University) and Department (Dental Medicine) Levels研究論文業績と世界大学ランキング : 機関(北海道大学)と 構成部局(歯学)の計量書誌学的指標を中心に北海道歯学雑誌-Sep-2017
proceedings (author version)Gautam, PitambarDetection of Bibliographic Coupling Communities Using Research Output (2004-2013) from Nepal-2017 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI)-Jul-2017
proceedings (author version)Pitambar, GautamComparative Analysis of Scientific Publications of Research Entities Using Multiple Disciplinary Classifications-2016 5th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, July 10-14, 2016, Kumamoto, Japan-Jul-2016
proceedings (author version)Pitambar, GautamDeciphering the Department-Discipline Relationships within a University through Bibliometric Analysis of Publications Aided with Multivariate Techniques-2015 IIAI 4th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, At Okayama, Japan-Jul-2015
articleGautam, Pitambar; Kodama, Kota; Enomoto, KengoJoint bibliometric analysis of patents and scholarly publications from cross-disciplinary projects : implications for development of evaluative metrics-Journal of contemporary Eastern Asia-Apr-2014
articleGautam, Pitambar; Ulak, Prakash Das; Paudayal, Khum Narayan; Gyawali, Babu Ram; Bhandari, SudarshanMagnetostratigraphic dating of the prime-time sedimentary record of Himalayan tectonics and climate: new age constraints (13-10 Ma) from the Siwaliks of the Tinau Khola north section, Nepal-Geophysical Journal International-Jun-2012
article (author version)Gautam, Pitambar; Yanagiya, RyuichiReflection of cross-disciplinary research at Creative Research Institution (Hokkaido University) in the Web of Science database: appraisal and visualization using bibliometry-Scientometrics-2012
articleGautam, Pitambar; Sakai, Tetsuya; Paudayal, Khum Narayan; Bhandari, Sudarshan; Gyawali, Babu Ram; Gautam, Chinta Mani; Rijal, Moti LalMagnetism and granulometry of Pleistocene sediments of Dhapasi section, Kathmandu (Nepal) : implications for depositional age and paleoenvironment-Bulletin of the Department of Geology-2009
otherOkada, H.; Mawatari, S.F.; Suzuki, N.; Gautam, P.Preface-Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity : Proceedings of the International Symposium, The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, held from 1-5 October 2007 in Sapporo, Japan-2008
proceedingsGautam, Pitambar; Takashima, Reishi; Dick, Matthew H.; Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Rijal, Moti L.; Nishi, Hiroshi; Mawatari, Shunsuke F.Rockmagnetic Characterization of the Setana and Chiraigawa Formations in SW Hokkaido (Soebetsu River, Kuromatsunai)-Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity : Proceedings of the International Symposium, The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, held from 1-5 October 2007 in Sapporo, Japan-2008
proceedingsTakashima, Reishi; Dick, Matthew H.; Nishi, Hiroshi; Mawatari, Shunsuke F.; Nojo, Ayumu; Hirose, Masato; Gautam, Pitambar; Nakamura, Keiichi; Tanaka, TakayukiGeology and Sedimentary Environments of the Pleistocene Setana Formation in the Kuromatsunai District, Southwestern Hokkaido, Japan-Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity : Proceedings of the International Symposium, The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, held from 1-5 October 2007 in Sapporo, Japan-2008
proceedingsIshimura, Toyoho; Dick, Matthew H.; Takashima, Reishi; Hirose, Masato; Gautam, Pitambar; Nishi, Hiroshi; Tsunogai, UrumuExperimental Study of the Use of the Stable Isotopic Composition of Calcareous Microfossils in Shallow Marine Sediments for Reconstructing Paleoenvironment, and a Comparison with the MART Index-Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity : Proceedings of the International Symposium, The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, held from 1-5 October 2007 in Sapporo, Japan-2008
article (author version)Goddu, Srinivasa Rao; Appel, Erwin; Gautam, Pitambar; Oches, Eric A.; Wehland, FlorianThe lacustrine section at Lukundol, Kathmandu basin, Nepal: Dating and magnetic fabric aspects-Journal of Asian Earth Sciences-1-Apr-2007
article (author version)Takashima, Reishi; Gautam, Pitambar; Nishi, HiroshiRecent Advances in Research on Terrestrial and Marine sequences from the mid-Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs).-Scientific Drilling Journal-Mar-2006
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Hokkaido University