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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bookchapterYoshida, FumikazuCompany, Technology, and Environmental Problem---2012
bulletin (article)Yoshida, FumikazuA Comparison of Japanese and German Approaches to Denuclearization and the Transformation of the Energy System : A Review of a Conference held in Berlin-經濟學研究Economic Studies9-Dec-2014
bookYoshida, FumikazuThe Cyclical Economy of Japan---2007
proceedings (author version)Yoshida, Fumikazu; Yoshida, HaruyoE-waste Management in Japan: a focus on Appliance Recycling---Oct-2013
bookchapterYoshida, FumikazuThe Economic Evaluation of Environment and Environmental Costs---2012
proceedings (author version)Yoshida, Fumikazu; Yoshida, HaruyoAn environmental and economic analysis of e-waste recycling based on the Japanese experience -Focusing on Flow Estimation---Sep-2012
bookchapterYoshida, FumikazuEnvironmental Economics and the Theory of Capabilities---2012
article (author version)Yoshida, FumikazuEnvironmental restoration of Minamata: new thinking brings new advances-Sustainability Science-Apr-2007
bookchapterYoshida, FumikazuThe Fukushima Nuclear Disaster : One of the World's Worst Cases of Pollution---2013
bulletin (article)Yoshida, FumikazuThe Fukushima Nuclear Disaster : One of the World's Worst-Ever Cases of Pollution-Economic Journal of Hokkaido University-8-Mar-2013
bookchapterYoshida, FumikazuFuture Perspectives---2013
bookchapterYoshida, FumikazuGlobal Warming Problems and Institutions---2012
article (author version)Yoshida, FumikazuInformation and communication technology and environmental issues-Environmental Economics and Policy Studies-Sep-2010
article (author version)Yoshida, FumikazuInformation technology waste problems in Japan-Environmental Economics and Policy Studies-2002
bookchapterYoshida, FumikazuAn Integrated Solution to the Environmental and Economic Crises---2012
bulletin (article)Yoshida, FumikazuIT Pollution Problems in Asia-Economic journal of Hokkaido University-Jul-2003
article (author version)Yoshida, FumikazuItai-Itai disease and the countermeasures against cadmium pollution by the Kamioka mine-Environmental Economics and Policy Studies-1999
bulletin (article)吉田, 文和J・H・M・ポッペ『テヒノロギーの歴史』とマルクス:マルクス「機械論」形成史研究(5)J.H.M.Popper's Geschichte der Technologie and K.Marx經濟學研究ECONOMIC STUDIESJun-1983
bookchapterYoshida, FumikazuThe Means of Environmental Policy---2012
bookchapterYoshida, FumikazuThe Mechanism of Modern Capitalism and Environmental Destruction---2012
Showing results 1 to 20 of 64
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Hokkaido University