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bulletin (article)CHIKITA, Kazuhisa; Jha, Jageshwar; YAMADA, TomomiThe Basin Expansion Mechanism of a Supraglacial Lake in the Nepal Himalaya-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-30-Mar-1998
articleChikita, Kazuhisa A.; Wada, Tomoyuki; Kudo, Isao; Saitoh, Sei-Ichi; Hirawake, Toru; Toratani, MitsuhiroBehaviors of the Yukon River Sediment Plume in the Bering Sea: Relations to Glacier-Melt Discharge and Sediment Load-Water-Oct-2021
article (author version)Sakata, Yoshitaka; Baran, Gur; Suzuki, Teruhiko; Chikita, Kazuhisa A.Estimate of river seepage by conditioning downward groundwater flow in the Toyohira River alluvial fan, Japan-Hydrological sciences journalJournal des sciences hydrologiquesJul-2016
article (author version)Boehrer, Bertram; Fukuyama, Ryuji; Chikita, Kazuhisa A.Geothermal heat flux into deep caldera lakes Shikotsu, Kuttara, Tazawa and Towada-Limnology-Apr-2013
articleChikita, Kazuhisa; Ochiai, Yasuhiro; Oyagi, Hideo; Sakata, YoshitakaGeothermal Linkage between a Hydrothermal Pond and a Deep Lake: Kuttara Volcano, Japan-Hydrology-Mar-2019
proceedingsDim, Jules R.; Chikita, Kazuhisa A.Impact of Groundwater Level Decrease and Sea Level Fluctuations on Potential Saltwater Intrusion in the Subsurface Coastal Area of West Hokkaido, Japan-Neo-Science of Natural History: Integration of Geoscience and Biodiversity Studies : Proceedings of International Symposium on "Dawn of a New Natural History - Integration of Geoscience and Biodiversity Studies" March 5-6, 2004, Sapporo-2004
bulletin (article)NAKAO, Kinshiro; CHIKITA, Kazuhisa; NAKAYA, Shyu; URAKAMI, Koichi; ISHII, YoshiyukiPalaeoenvironment in St. Lawrence Island, Alaska-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-26-Feb-1986
article (author version)Aihara, Minoru; Chikita, Kazuhisa A.; Momoki, Yoshiro; Mabuchi, SuguruA physical study on the thermal ice ridge in a closed deep lake : Lake Kuttara, Hokkaido, Japan-Limnology-2010
article (author version)Chikita, Kazuhisa A.; Iwasaka, Wataru; Al Mamun, Abdullah; Ohmori, Kazuhiro; Itoh, Yo-sukeThe role of groundwater outflow in the water cycle of a coastal lagoon sporadically opening to the ocean-Journal of Hydrology-25-Sep-2012
bulletin (article)CHIKITA, KazuhisaThe Role of Sediment-Laden Underflows in Lake Sedimentation : Glacier-Fed Peyto Lake, Canada-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-29-Feb-1992
bulletin (article)CHIKITA, Kazuhisa; KUMAI, Ryuji; KEMNITZ, Richard T.Sediment Discharge in Yukon River, Alaska : Its Continuous Measurement and Interpretation-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-24-Mar-2000
bulletin (article)CHIKITA, KazuhisaSedimentation by Turbidity Currnts-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-31-May-1980
article (author version)Boehrer, Bertram; Fukuyama, Ryuji; Chikita, KazuhisaStratification of very deep, thermally stratified lakesVery deep, thermally stratified lakesGeophysical Research Letters-Aug-2008
article (author version)Kido, Daisaku; Chikita, Kazuhisa A.; Hirayama, KentaSubglacial drainage system changes of the Gulkana Glacier, Alaska: discharge and sediment load observations and modelling-Hydrological Processes-30-Jan-2007
articleSugiyama, Shin; Minowa, Masahiro; Sakakibara, Daiki; Skvarca, Pedro; Sawagaki, Takanobu; Ohashi, Yoshihiko; Naito, Nozomu; Chikita, KazuhisaThermal structure of proglacial lakes in Patagonia-Journal of geophysical research earth surface-Dec-2016
article (author version)Chikita, Kazuhisa A.Topographic effects on the thermal structure of Himalayan glacial lakes : Observations and numerical simulation of wind-Journal of Asian Earth Sciences-20-Apr-2007
article (author version)Chikita, Kazuhisa A.; Uyehara, Hiroyuki; Al Mamun, Abdullah; Umgiesser, Georg; Iwasaka, Wataru; Hossain, Md Motaleb; Sakata, YoshitakaWater and heat budgets in a coastal lagoon controlled by groundwater outflow to the ocean-Limnology-Aug-2015
proceedingsMatsumoto, Takane; Chikita, Kazuhisa A.Water and Sediment Discharges from a Glacier-covered Basin under Maritime Climate in Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia-Neo-Science of Natural History: Integration of Geoscience and Biodiversity Studies : Proceedings of International Symposium on "Dawn of a New Natural History - Integration of Geoscience and Biodiversity Studies" March 5-6, 2004, Sapporo-2004
bulletin (article)知北, 和久; 熊井, 隆二; 平山, 賢太; ケムニッツ, リチャードアラスカ・ユーコン河の土砂流出に関する基礎的研究A Basic Study on Sediment Discharge in the Yukon River, Alaska北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University25-Mar-2002
bulletin (article)知北, 和久; 和田, 知之; 工藤, 勲アラスカ・ユーコン河流域における物質輸送機構 : 観測とモデリングMaterial-loading processes in the Yukon River basin, Alaska : Observations and modelling低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2016
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Hokkaido University