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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Nakai, Taro; Sumida, Akihiro; Matsumoto, Kazuho; Daikoku, Ken'ichi; Iida, Shin'ichi; Park, Hotaek; Miyahara, Mie; Kodama, Yuji; Kononov, Alexander V.; Maximov, Trofim C.; Yabuki, Hironori; Hara, Toshihiko; Ohta, TakeshiAerodynamic scaling for estimating the mean height of dense canopies-Boundary-Layer Meteorology-Sep-2008
bulletin (article)KODAMA, Yuji; TAKIZAWA, Atsushi; ISHIKAWA, Nobuyoshi; SHIRASAWA, Kunio; ISHIKAWA, Masao; IKEDA, Mitsuo; TAKATSUKA, Tohru; DAIBOU, Takaharu; AOTA, Masaaki; FUJIYOSHI, YoshihiroComparison of the Meteorological Conditions between the Two Sitesサロマ湖周辺2地点間の気象要素の比較について低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report25-Mar-1999
article (author version)Nakai, Taro; van der Molen, M.K.; Gash, J.H.C.; Kodama, YujiCorrection of sonic anemometer angle of attack errors-Agricultural and Forest Meteorology-11-Jan-2006
bulletin (article)KODAMA, Yuji; SHIRAIWA, Takayuki; KOBAYASHI, Daiji; MATSUMOTO, Takane; YAMAGUCHI, Satoru; Muravyev, Yaroslav D.; Glazirin, Gleb E.Hydrometeorological and Glaciological Observations in the Koryto and Ushkovsky Glaciers, Kamchatka, 1996-低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report28-Mar-1997
bulletin (article)SHIRASAWA, Kunio; IKEDA, Mitsuo; ISHIKAWA, Masao; TAKATSUKA, Tohru; KODAMA, Yuji; AOTA, Masaaki; TAKAHASHI, Shuhei; TAKIZAWA, Takatoshi; Polomoshenov, Anatoly; Truskov, Pavel; Astafiev, VladimirMeteorological Data Report for the Sea Ice Studies at Val, Chaivo and Kleye Strait, northern Sakhalinバル、チャイボ、クレイェ海峡(北サハリン)の海氷気象観測調査資料低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report28-Mar-1997
article (author version)Nakai, Taro; Sumida, Akihiro; Daikoku, Ken'ichi; Matsumoto, Kazuho; van der Molen, Michiel K.; Kodama, Yuji; Kononov, Alexander V.; Maximov, Trofim C.; Dolman, Albertus J.; Yabuki, Hironori; Hara, Toshihiko; Ohta, TakeshiParameterisation of aerodynamic roughness over boreal, cool- and warm-temperate forests-Agricultural and Forest Meteorology-8-Dec-2008
bulletin (article)工藤, 岳; 兒玉, 裕二大雪山土壌温度の通年変化Annual Transition of Soil Temperature in the Taisetsu Mountains低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report15-Mar-1991
bulletin (article)山口, 貴広; 隅田, 明洋; 中井, 太郎; 山田, 雅仁; 兒玉, 裕二; 小野, 清美; 原, 登志彦北海道の亜高山帯ダケカンバ林の下層チシマザサ (Sasa kurilensis (Rupr.) Makino & Shibata)の 総生産および蒸散の季節変化に及ぼす環境要因Environmental factors affecting the gross production and transpiration of an understory dwarf bamboo (Sasa kurilensis (Rupr.) Makino & Shibata) in a stand of Erman’s birch ( Cham.) in the boreal montane zone of Hokkaido低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2015
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8


Hokkaido University