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articleAmagu, Clement A.; Zhang, Cheng; Kodama, Jun-ichi; Shioya, Kazuyuki; Yamaguchi, Tomoyuki; Sainoki, Atsushi; Fukuda, Daisuke; Fujii, Yoshiaki; Sharifzadeh, MostafaDisplacement Measurements and Numerical Analysis of Long-Term Rock Slope Deformation at Higashi-Shikagoe Limestone Quarry, Japan-Advances in civil engineering-11-Oct-2021
proceedings福田, 大祐; Cho, SangHo; Min, Gyeongjo; Liu, Hongyuan; 児玉, 淳一; 藤井, 義明爆燃を用いた岩石の動的破壊に関する基礎的研究A Fundamental Study of Dynamic Fracture of Rocks Resulting from Deflagration Phenomena資源・素材講演集-16-Sep-2021
proceedings池田, 雅裕; 児玉, 淳一; 出口, 剛太; 濱中, 晃弘; 板倉, 賢一; 高橋, 一弘; 福田, 大祐; 藤井, 義明(学生発表:修士課程) 三笠市での水素利用型 UCGに関するプレ F/S[Student presentation:Master's Course] Pre-feasibility Study on Hydrogen Utilization Type UCG in Mikasa City資源・素材講演集-15-Sep-2021
proceedings野中, 聡志; 児玉, 淳一; 藤井, 義明; 福田, 大祐; 中村, 大(学生発表:修士課程) 一次元及び三次元凍結融解試験における支笏溶結凝灰岩の変形挙動[Student presentation:Master's Course] Durability assessment of Shikotsu welded tuff subjected to freezethaw cycles in one-dimensional and Three-dimensional Tests資源・素材講演集-15-Sep-2021
proceedings (author version)美並, 和樹; 張, 誠; 児玉, 淳一; 塩谷, 和幸; 福田, 大祐; 藤井, 義明東鹿越鉱山の残壁の変形の特徴と要因の分析-資源・素材学会北海道支部春季講演会要旨集-12-Jun-2021
proceedings渡辺, 剛; 藤井, 義明; 児玉, 淳一; 福田, 大祐巨大地震と地下核実験の因果関係Causal Relationship between Underground Nuclear Tests and Giant Earthquakes資源・素材講演集Proceedings of MMIJ Annual Meeting10-Mar-2021
proceedings南, 貴之; 児玉, 淳一; 菅原, 隆之; 濱中, 晃弘; 出口, 剛太; 板倉, 健一; 高橋, 一弘; 藤井, 義明; 福田, 大祐加熱、冷却による石炭試料の亀裂の発生と成長の観察Observation of crack initiation and growth in coal specimen during heating and cooling processes資源・素材学会秋季大会講演集-8-Sep-2020
proceedings金井, 康将; 尾上, 義将; 藤井, 義明; 児玉, 淳一; 福田, 大祐支笏溶結凝灰岩のピークおよび残留強度の時間依存性に対する封圧の影響The Effect of Confining Pressure in the Time Dependence of Peak and Residual Strengths for Shikotsu Welded Tuff資源・素材学会秋季大会講演集-8-Sep-2020
proceedings藤井, 義明; 金井, 康将; 早川, 貴将; 池田, 奈央; 尾上, 義将; 児玉, 淳一; 福田, 大祐; 淡路, 動太蛇紋岩中でのトンネル掘削時に生じた大きな変状のメカニズムと変状に先だって計測された変形挙動Mechanism of Severe Damage at a Tunnel in Hokkaido, Japan during Construction in Serpentinite and the Deformation Preceding the Damage資源・素材学会秋季大会講演集-8-Sep-2020
proceedings歌代, 佳祐; 野中, 聡志; 児玉, 淳一; 福田, 大祐; 藤井, 義明凍結融解作用を受ける支笏溶結凝灰岩の損傷に与える冷却速度の影響Impact of cooling rate on damage of Shikotsu welded tuff induced by freeze-thaw action資源・素材学会秋季大会講演集-8-Sep-2020
proceedings山本, 寛朗; 池田, 奈央; 児玉, 淳一; 才ノ木, 敦士; 村山, 秀幸; 新井, 智之; 福田, 大祐; 藤井, 義明在来工法と NATM工法で建設されたトンネルの時間依存性挙動の三次元数値解析Three-dimensional numerical analysis of time-dependent behavior of tunnels constructed by conventional method and NATM資源・素材学会秋季大会講演集-8-Sep-2020
article (author version)Fujii, Yoshiaki; Saito, Shiori; Oshima, Teppei; Kodama, Jun-ichi; Fukuda, Daisuke; Sakata, Shokichi; Uchida, Kagemi; Matsumoto, Hiroyuki; Dassanayake, Anjula B.N.Complete slaking collapse of dike sandstones by fresh water and prevention of the collapse by salt water-International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences-Jul-2020
article (author version)福田, 大祐; 二瓶, 恵理菜; 趙, 祥鎬; 呉, 世旭; 奈良, 禎太; 児玉, 淳一; 藤井, 義明Extrinsic Cohesive Zone Modelに基づくハイブリッドFEM-DEMを用いた岩石の3次元動的破壊過程解析法の開発に関する基礎的検討Development of a Numerical Simulator for 3-D Dynamic Fracture Process Analysis of Rocks Based on Hybrid FEM-DEM Using Extrinsic Cohesive Zone Model材料Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan20-Mar-2020
conference poster張, 誠; ; 藤井, 義明; 児玉, 淳一; 福田, 大祐インテリジェント学習に基づく屏第2水力発電所トンネルのロックバースト災害の予測-資源・素材講演集Proceedings of MMIJ Annual Meeting16-Mar-2020
proceedings李, 兆欣; 王, 家臣; 藤井, 義明; 児玉, 淳一; 福田, 大祐長壁上炭採掘における支持の採掘圧力に対する緩い上炭の影響The effects of loose top-coal on the mining pressure of support in longwall top-coal caving mining資源・素材講演集Proceedings of MMIJ Annual Meeting15-Mar-2020
proceedings藤井, 義明; 児玉, 淳一; 福田, 大祐富士山噴火の予防Prevention of Mt. Fuji's Eruption資源・素材講演集Proceedings of MMIJ Annual Meeting15-Mar-2020
article (author version)Fukuda, Daisuke; Mohammadnejad, Mojtaba; Liu, Hongyuan; Zhang, Qianbing; Zhao, Jian; Dehkhoda, Sevda; Chan, Andrew; Kodama, Jun-ichi; Fujii, YoshiakiDevelopment of a 3D Hybrid Finite-Discrete Element Simulator Based on GPGPU-Parallelized Computation for Modelling Rock Fracturing Under Quasi-Static and Dynamic Loading Conditions-Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering-Mar-2020
article (author version)Fukuda, Daisuke; Mohammadnejad, Mojtaba; Liu, Hongyuan; Dehkhoda, Sevda; Chan, Andrew; Cho, Sang-Ho; Min, Gyeong-Jo; Han, Haoyu; Kodama, Jun-ichi; Fujii, YoshiakiDevelopment of a GPGPU-parallelized hybrid finite-discrete element method for modeling rock fracture-International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics-Jul-2019
proceedings (author version)金井, 康将; 池田, 奈央; 尾上, 義将; 藤井, 義明; 児玉, 淳一; 福田, 大祐大変状を起こしたトンネルから採取した蛇紋岩の三軸クリープ挙動-資源・素材学会北海道支部春季講演会要旨集-15-Jun-2019
proceedings (author version)西原, 正泰; Sinkala, P; 藤井, 義明; 児玉, 淳一; 福田, 大祐ザンビア共和国の深部銅鉱山における山はね-資源・素材学会北海道支部春季講演会要旨集-15-Jun-2019
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Hokkaido University