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bulletin (article)石崎, 廣; 五十嵐, 弘道; 荒井, 頼子; 蒲地, 政文; 石川, 洋一; 齊藤, 誠一「ひまわり」及び「しきさい」衛星の海面水温とクロロフィルa データに対するヒストグラム解析に基づくフロント検出法の適用 : 初期平滑化の重要性Application of a Histogram-Based Method for Front Detection to the Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a Data by ‘Himawari’ and ‘Shikisai’ Satellite : Importance of initial data smoothingMemoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University-Dec-2021
articleChikita, Kazuhisa A.; Wada, Tomoyuki; Kudo, Isao; Saitoh, Sei-Ichi; Hirawake, Toru; Toratani, MitsuhiroBehaviors of the Yukon River Sediment Plume in the Bering Sea: Relations to Glacier-Melt Discharge and Sediment Load-Water-Oct-2021
article (author version)Alabia, Irene D.; Molinos, Jorge Garcia; Hirata, Takafumi; Mueter, Franz J.; Hirawake, Toru; Saitoh, Sei-IchiMarine biodiversity refugia in a climate-sensitive subarctic shelf-Global change biology-1-Jul-2021
articleLiu, Yang; Xia, Xinmei; Tian, Yongjun; Alabia, Irene D.; Ma, Shuyang; Sun, Peng; Saitoh, Sei-IchiInfluence of Spawning Ground Dynamics on the Long-Term Abundance of Japanese Flying Squid (Todarodes pacificus) Winter Cohort-Frontiers in Marine Science-26-May-2021
articleAlabia, Irene D.; Saitoh, Sei-Ichi; Igarashi, Hiromichi; Ishikawa, Yoichi; Imamura, YutakaSpatial Habitat Shifts of Oceanic Cephalopod (Ommastrephes bartramii) in Oscillating Climate-Remote Sensing-1-Feb-2020
article (author version)Kobayashi, Daisuke; Yamamoto, Masanobu; Irino, Tomohisa; Nam, Seung-Il; Park, Yu-Hyeon; Harada, Naomi; Nagashima, Kana; Chikita, Kazuhisa; Saitoh, Sei-IchiDistribution of detrital minerals and sediment color in western Arctic Ocean and northern Bering Sea sediments: Changes in the provenance of western Arctic Ocean sediments since the last glacial period-Polar Science-Dec-2016
articleAlabia, Irene D.; Dehara, Mariko; Saitoh, Sei-Ichi; Hirawake, ToruSeasonal Habitat Patterns of Japanese Common Squid (Todarodes Pacificus) Inferred from Satellite-Based Species Distribution Models-Remote Sensing-Nov-2016
bulletin (article)中田, 聡史; 馬場, 勝寿; 石川, 洋一; 齊藤, 誠一融雪と漁業生産をつなげる陸海連関 : 噴火湾の例Land-sea pathways between snowmelt and fishery production in Funka Bay, Japan低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2016
articleAlabia, Irene D.; Saitoh, Sei-Ichi; Mugo, Robinson; Igarashi, Hiromichi; Ishikawa, Yoichi; Usui, Norihisa; Kamachi, Masafumi; Awaji, Toshiyuki; Seito, MasakiIdentifying Pelagic Habitat Hotspots of Neon Flying Squid in the Temperate Waters of the Central North Pacific-PLoS ONE-16-Nov-2015
articleLiu, Yang; Saitoh, Sei-Ichi; Nakada, Satoshi; Zhang, Xun; Hirawake, ToruImpact of Oceanographic Environmental Shifts and Atmospheric Events on the Sustainable Development of Coastal Aquaculture: A Case Study of Kelp and Scallops in Southern Hokkaido, Japan-Sustainability-Feb-2015
articleSaito, Rui; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Saitoh, Sei-ichi; Kuma, Kenshi; Imai, IchiroAbundance, biomass and body size of the hydromedusa Aglantha digitale in the western and eastern subarctic Pacific during the summers of 2003-2006-Plankton & benthos research-May-2012
article (author version)Aita, Maki Noguchi; Tadokoro, Kazuaki; Ogawa, Nanako O.; Hyodo, Fujio; Ishii, Reiichiro; Smith, S. Lan; Saino, Toshiro; Kishi, Michio J.; Saitoh, Sei-ichi; Wada, EitaroLinear relationship between carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios along simple food chains in marine environments-Journal of Plankton Research-Nov-2011
article (author version)Okamoto, Suguru; Hirawake, Toru; Saitoh, Sei-IchiInterannual variability in the magnitude and timing of the spring bloom in the Oyashio region-Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography-Sep-2010
conference presentation齊藤, 誠一持続可能な漁業および増養殖業活動のためのユビキタスな情報サービスに関する研究開発---12-Nov-2009
conference presentationRadiarta, I Nyoman; Saitoh, Sei-IchiSpatial information systems approach toward sustainable aquaculture持続可能な増養殖業を目指した空間情報システムによるアプローチ--7-Nov-2009
article (author version)Nihashi, Sohey; Ohshima, Kay I.; Tamura, Takeshi; Fukamachi, Yasushi; Saitoh, Sei-ichiThickness and production of sea ice in the Okhotsk Sea coastal polynyas from AMSR-E-Journal of Geophysical Research : Oceans-29-Oct-2009
article (author version)Mizobata, Kohei; Wang, Jia; Saitoh, Sei-ichiEddy-induced cross-slope exchange maintaining summer high productivity of the Bering Sea shelf break-Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans-31-Oct-2006
bulletin (article)磯田, 豊; 坂田, 陽一郎; 磯野, 哲郎; 清水, 学; 春日, 一彦; 灘井, 章嗣; 藤井, 智史; 齊藤, 誠一噴火湾口付近においてHFレーダにより観測された潮流と計算された潮流の比較Comparison of HF Radar Observed and Computed Tidal Currents around the mouth of Funka Bay北海道大学水産科学研究彙報BULLETIN OF FISHERIES SCIENCES, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYAug-2004
bulletin (article)前野, 克尚; 米田, 国三郎; 齊藤, 誠一; 川村, 宏NLANDデータベースを用いた噴火湾周辺海域におけるMCSSTアルゴリズムの評価と改良The Evaluation and Improvement of The MCSST Algorithm Around Funka Bay Using NOAA/LAND Database (NLAND)北海道大学水産科学研究彙報BULLETIN OF FISHERIES SCIENCES, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYDec-2001
bulletin (article)清藤, 秀理; 米田, 国三郎; 甫喜本, 司; 齊藤, 誠一夜間可視衛星画像によるスルメイカ漁船分布の動的特性と非定常予測Dynamics of Japanese Common Squid Fishing Fleets Derived From Nighttime Visible Satellite Data and its Nonstationary Prediction北海道大学水産科学研究彙報BULLETIN OF FISHERIES SCIENCES, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYDec-2001
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