Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
article | Maruyama, Shoei; Mori, Taro | Analysis on design method and energy consumption for high thermal performance housings | - | Japan architectural review | - | Oct-2019 |
article | Yamamoto, Toru; Hayama, Hirofumi; Hayashi, Takao; Mori, Taro | Automatic Energy-Saving Operations System Using Robotic Process Automation | - | Energies | - | May-2020 |
article | Mori, Taro; Akamatsu, Taisei; Kuwabara, Kouhei; Hayashi, Motoya | Comparison of Indoor Environment and Energy Consumption before and after Spread of COVID-19 in Schools in Japanese Cold-Climate Region | - | Energies | - | Mar-2022 |
proceedings | FUKUYAMA, Takafumi; UEDA, Hirofumi; NISHIYAMA, Noriaki; KOBAYASHI, Hidetoshi; OKADA, Mayumi; TANAKA, Masato; OHNISHI, Fujio; SAUNAVAARA, Juha; MORI, Taro; KATO, Tomoe; TAKAHASHI, Shuhei; HONDA, Shunwa | Extracting Issues for Appropriate Arctic Tourism Development Concerning Community Resilience | 地域コミュニティのレジリエンスに配慮した適切な北極域観光振興のための抽出課題 | - | - | 2022 |
proceedings | Fukuyama, Takafumi; Ueda, Hirofumi; Nishiyama, Noriaki; Tanaka, Masato; Onishi, Fujio; Saunavaara, Yuha; Shirai, Yuko; Mori, Taro; Kato, Tomoe; Takahashi, Shuhei; Honda, Shunwa | Fundamental Analysis of Significant Issues Regarding Development of "Arctic Tourism" | 「北極域観光」振興にかかる重要課題の基礎的分析 | - | - | 18-Feb-2020 |
article | Mushtaha, Emad S.; Salameh, Tareq; Al Qurneh, Deena; Hassan, Sahar; Hamad, Rawan; Abdelkareem, Mohammad Ali; Al-Alami, Abdul Hai; Olabi, Abdul Ghani; Mori, Taro | The Impact of the Building Forms of Tall Buildings on Dust Accumulation and Thermal Performance in Hot Climates | - | Buildings | - | 1-Oct-2022 |
article | Futawatari, Naoki; Udagawa, Yosuke; Mori, Taro; Hayama, Hirofumi | Improving Prediction Accuracy Concerning the Thermal Environment of a Data Center by Using Design of Experiments | - | Energies | - | Sep-2020 |
article | Hayashi, Motoya; Yanagi, U; Azuma, Kenichi; Kagi, Naoki; Ogata, Masayuki; Morimoto, Shoichi; Hayama, Hirofumi; Mori, Taro; Kikuta, Koki; Tanabe, Shin‐ichi; Kurabuchi, Takashi; Yamada, Hiromi; Kobayashi, Kenichi; Kim, Hoon; Kaihara, Noriko | Measures against COVID‐19 concerning Summer Indoor Environment in Japan | - | JAPAN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW | - | Oct-2020 |
article | Mori, Taro; Iwama, Yusuke; Hayama, Hirofumi; Mushtaha, Emad | Optimization of a Wood Pellet Boiler System Combined with CO(2)HPs in a Cold Climate Area in Japan | - | Energies | - | Nov-2020 |
article | Hisato, Osawa; Mori, Taro; Shinagawa, Kouichi; Nakayama, Satoshi; Hosobuchi, Hayato; Mushtaha, Emad | Risk Assessment of Heat Stroke during the Marathon of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in Sapporo, Hokkaido | - | Sustainability | - | 1-Mar-2023 |
article | Khadka, Supriya; Rijal, Hom B.; Amano, Katsunori; Saito, Teruyuki; Imagawa, Hikaru; Uno, Tomoko; Genjo, Kahori; Takata, Hiroshi; Tsuzuki, Kazuyo; Nakaya, Takashi; Nishina, Daisaku; Hasegawa, Kenichi; Mori, Taro | Study on Winter Comfort Temperature in Mixed Mode and HVAC Office Buildings in Japan | - | Energies | - | 6-Oct-2022 |
article | 木幡, 悠士; 羽山, 広文; 絵内, 正道; 森, 太郎 | オフィス空間における室温分布に関する実験的研究 (その2) | Experimental study on room air temperature distribution in offices | 大会学術講演梗概集. D-2, 環境工学II, 熱, 湿気, 温熱感, 自然エネルギー, 気流・換気・排煙, 数値流体, 空気清浄, 暖冷房・空調, 熱源設備, 設備応用 | - | 31-Jul-2005 |
article | 羽山, 広文; 降旗, 由紀; 森, 太郎; 絵内, 正道; 木下, 学 | データセンターの機器冷却特性と空調効率に関する研究 | A study on cooling characteristics of ICT equipment and cooling performance in a data center | 日本建築学会環境系論文集 | Transactions of AIJ. Journal of environmental engineering | Jun-2009 |
article | 西澤, 繁毅; 繪内, 正道; 羽山, 広文; 森, 太郎 | パルス法による通風輪道の同定とその検討 | NUMERICAL IDENTIFICATION FOR MAIN CURRENT OF CROSS VENTILATION BY USING PULSE INJECTION METHOD | 日本建築学会技術報告集 : journal of architecture and building science | - | 20-Jun-2002 |
article | 繪内, 正道; 大橋, 正知; 荒谷, 登; 羽山, 広文; 森, 太郎 | 塩化カルシウム含浸珪藻土粒を用いた吸放湿型除湿・熱交換換気装置の開発とその性能把握(環境工学) | DEVELOPMENT OF VENTILATION DEVICES FOR MOISTURE-ABSORBENT DEHUMIDIFICATION AND HEAT EXCHANGE BY USING THE DIATMITE SOAKED WITH CaCl_2(Environmental Engineering) | 日本建築学会技術報告集 : journal of architecture and building science | - | 20-Jun-2003 |
article | 菊田, 弘輝; 絵内, 正道; 羽山, 広文; 森, 太郎; 宮坂, 敏一 | 外断熱住宅の躯体蓄熱型暖房システムに関する研究 | A STUDY ON AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM OF THERMAL STORAGE ON EXTERNAL INSULATED HOUSES | 日本建築学会環境系論文集 | Transactions of AIJ. Journal of environmental engineering | 30-Mar-2005 |
article | 菊田, 弘輝; 絵内, 正道; 羽山, 広文; 森, 太郎 | 寒冷地における高断熱建物の室内温熱環境と暖房エネルギー消費量の特性に関する実態調査研究 | A STUDY ON QUALITIES OF INDOOR THERMAL ENVIRONMENT AND HEATING ENERGY CONSUMPTION FOR HIGHLY INSULATED BUILDINGS IN COLD REGIONS | 日本建築学会環境系論文集 | Transactions of AIJ. Journal of environmental engineering | 30-Jan-2006 |
article | 菊田, 弘輝; 絵内, 正道; 羽山, 広文; 森, 太郎 | 簡易予測制御を適用した高断熱建物の躯体蓄熱システムに関する研究 | A STUDY ON THERMAL STORAGE SYSTEMS FOR HIGHLY INSULATED BUILDINGS BASED ON SIMPLIFIED PREDICTIVE CONTROL | 日本建築学会環境系論文集 | Transactions of AIJ. Journal of environmental engineering | 30-Jan-2006 |
article | 大橋, 正知; 繪内, 正道; 本間, 義規; 羽山, 広文; 森, 太郎 | 含浸珪藻土粒を用いた吸放湿型除湿・熱交換換気装置の開発 : 稚内層珪質頁岩を用いた含浸珪藻土粒の生成とその吸放湿性能 | DEVELOPMENT OF A DEVICE FOR MOISTURE-ABSORBENT DEHUMIDIFYING AND HEAT-EXCHANGING VENTILATION BY USING THE DIATOMATE SOAKED IN CaCl_2 SOLUTION : Production of grains made from diatomate, and performance of moisture-absorbent of small balls formed out of the grains | 日本建築学会計画系論文集 | Transactions of AIJ. Journal of architecture, planning and environmental engineering | 30-Mar-2003 |
article | 森, 太郎; 酒井, 義幸; 菅原, 正則; 繪内, 正道; 羽山, 広文 | 遮光布によるアトリウム空間の光・熱環境調整法に関する研究 : その1 遮光布を設置したアトリウムの室内環境実測調査 | IMPROVEMENT OF LUMINOUS AND THERMAL ENVIRONMENT IN ATRIUMS BY USING SHIELD CLOTHS : Part 1 A comparison of the measurement results of the environment in the atrium space with shield cloths and the atrium space without shield cloths | 日本建築学会環境系論文集 | Transactions of AIJ. Journal of environmental engineering | 30-Jun-2003 |