Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | 半谷, 純一; 鈴木, 邦明; 吉村, 善隆; 南川, 元; 兼平, 孝; 本多, 丘人 | Mg,Ca及びZnのヒトアルカリ性ホスファターゼ活性に対する作用 | Effects of Mg, Ca, and Zn on human alkaline phosphatase activity | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | 15-Sep-2022 |
article | Nakamura, Koichi; Minamikawa, Hajime; Takahashi, Shizuka; Yoshimura, Yoshitaka; Yawaka, Yasutaka | N-acetylcysteine attenuates PGE(2) and ROS production stimulated by 4-META/MMA-based resin in murine osteoblastic cells | - | Dental materials journal | - | 29-May-2021 |
article | Kato, Hiromichi; Yoshimura, Yoshitaka; Minamikawa, Hajime; Suzuki, Kuniaki; Yamazaki, Yutaka | Suppression of osteoclastogenesis by lactoferrin | - | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | 15-Sep-2022 |
article | 加藤, 結香; 吉村, 善隆; 上村, 光太郎; 南川, 元; 鈴木, 邦明; 飯田, 順一郎 | 間歇的な機械的刺激は RAW264.7 細胞において破骨細胞分化を抑制する | Suppression of Osteoclast Differentiation with Intermittent MechanicalStress in RAW264.7 Cells | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | Sep-2019 |
article | 義達, 理恵子; 鈴木, 邦明; 吉村, 善隆; 南川, 元; 鄭, 漢忠 | 口腔がん細胞のシスプラチン耐性化に伴う白金系抗がん剤及び強心配糖体に対する感受性の変化 | Sensitivity changes to platinum coordination complex and cardiac
glycosides in cisplatin-resistant oral cancer cells | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | 15-Sep-2022 |
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5