Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
article | Kikuchi, Emi; Inui, Tadashi; Su, Shaoyi; Sato, Yoshiaki; Funahashi, Makoto | Chemogenetic inhibition of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis suppresses the intake of a preferable and learned aversive sweet taste solution in male mice | - | Behavioural brain research | - | 9-Dec-2022 |
article (author version) | Maezawa, Hitoshi; Mima, Tatsuya; Yazawa, Shogo; Matsuhashi, Masao; Shiraishi, Hideaki; Hirai, Yoshiyuki; Funahashi, Makoto | Contralateral dominance of corticomuscular coherence for both sides of the tongue during human tongue protrusion: An MEG study. | - | NeuroImage | - | 1-Nov-2014 |
article (author version) | Maezawa, Hitoshi; Mima, Tatsuya; Yazawa, Shogo; Matsuhashi, Masao; Shiraishi, Hideaki; Funahashi, Makoto | Cortico-muscular synchronization by proprioceptive afferents from the tongue muscles during isometric tongue protrusion. | - | NeuroImage | - | 13-Jan-2016 |
article (author version) | Matsushita, Kazuhiro; Wang, Wei; Itoh, Soichiro; Domon, Takanori; Funahashi, Makoto; Totsuka, Yasunori | Dental pulp can be a good candidate for nerve grafting in a xeno-graft model | - | Journal of Neuroscience Methods | - | 15-Apr-2012 |
article (author version) | Yoshizawa, Tomohiko; Funahashi, Makoto | Effects of methyl methacrylate on the excitability of the area postrema neurons in rats | - | Journal of oral biosciences | - | Dec-2020 |
article | Funahashi, Makoto | Electrophysiological analysis of neurons in the area postrema | - | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | Sep-2017 |
article (author version) | Maezawa, Hitoshi; Onishi, Kaori; Yagyu, Kazuyori; Shiraishi, Hideaki; Hirai, Yoshiyuki; Funahashi, Makoto | Modulation of stimulus-induced 20-Hz activity for the tongue and hard palate during tongue movement in humans. | - | Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology | - | Jan-2016 |
article (author version) | Maezawa, Hitoshi; Oguma, Hidetoshi; Hirai, Yoshiyuki; Hisadome, Kazunari; Shiraishi, Hideaki; Funahashi, Makoto | Movement-related cortical magnetic fields associated with self-paced tongue protrusion in humans | Readiness fields to human tongue protrusion | Neuroscience Research | - | Apr-2017 |
article (author version) | Maezawa, Hitoshi; Hirai, Yoshiyuki; Shiraishi, Hideaki; Funahashi, Makoto | Somatosensory evoked magnetic fields following tongue and hard palate stimulation on the preferred chewing side. | - | Journal of the neurological sciences | - | 15-Dec-2014 |
article | 舩橋, 誠 | 延髄最後野ニューロンの機能解明 : 摂食調節と悪心誘発に関わるニューロンの機能分化が見えてきた | Investigation of neuronal functions in the area postrema : functional differentiation between neurons related to the feeding regulation and neurons triggering nausea and/or emesis | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | Sep-2015 |
article | 野島, 靖子; 八若, 保孝; 舩橋, 誠 | 強制運動が恐怖条件付けと記憶に及ぼす影響 | The effects of forced exercise on fear conditioning and memory | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | Sep-2012 |
article | 長谷部, 佳子; 舩橋, 誠 | 経管栄養時の血糖調節に関する基礎的研究 : 味覚,嗅覚,視覚が血糖動態に与える影響 | A Basic Study on Blood Glucose Regulation during Tubal Nutrition: Effects of taste, olfactory and visual senses on plasma glycemic kinetics | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | Apr-2020 |
article | 播磨, 美樹; 久留, 和成; 平井, 喜幸; 前澤, 仁志; 北川, 善政; 舩橋, 誠 | 孤束核および最後野のニューロン活動に対する血糖値上昇の影響 | Effects of hyperglycemia on neuronal excitability in the nucleus tractus solitarius and the area postrema | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | Mar-2018 |
article | 児玉, 高有; 阿部, 貴恵; 兼平, 孝; 森田, 学; 舩橋, 誠 | 唾液中ストレスマーカーの動態分析 | Analysis of fluctuations of stress markers in saliva | 北海道歯学雑誌 | Hokkaido journal of dental science | 15-Dec-2010 |
article | 高橋, 茂; 井上, 貴一朗; 舩橋, 誠; 土門, 卓文 | 北海道大学全学教育科目「唾液のサイエンス」 におけるクリッカー使用とその効果の検討 | Educational effects in the general education course of Hokkaido University "Science of Saliva" using the Audience Response System, Clicker | 北海道歯学雑誌 | Hokkaido journal of dental science | 15-Dec-2010 |