Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 20 of 23
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article (author version) | 久保, 直樹; 玉木, 長良; 森本, 裕一 | CdTe半導体PETイメージング | - | Rad Fan | - | Nov-2006 |
article (author version) | Kubo, Naoki; Tsuchiya, Katsutoshi; Shiga, Tohru; Kojima, Shinichi; Suzuki, Atsuro; Ueno, Yuichiro; Kobashi, Keiji; Tamaki, Nagara | Collimator for Variable Sensitivity and Spatial Resolution Without the Need for Exchange | - | IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science | - | 8-Aug-2014 |
article | Ukon, Naoyuki; Zhao, Songji; Yu, Wenwen; Shimizu, Yoichi; Nishijima, Ken-ichi; Kubo, Naoki; Kitagawa, Yoshimasa; Tamaki, Nagara; Higashikawa, Kei; Yasui, Hironobu; Kuge, Yuji | Dynamic PET evaluation of elevated FLT level after sorafenib treatment in mice bearing human renal cell carcinoma xenograft | - | EJNMMI research | - | 12-Dec-2016 |
article (author version) | Kubo, Naoki; Hirata, Kenji; Matsuzaki, Kazuki; Morimoto, Yuichi; Takeuchi, Wataru; Hattori, Naoya; Shiga, Tohru; Kuge, Yuji; Tamaki, Nagara | Evaluation of delineation of image details in semiconductor PET utilizing the normalized mutual information technique | - | Nuclear medicine communications | - | Jun-2014 |
article (author version) | Kubo, Naoki; Morita, Koichi; Katoh, Chietsugu; Shiga, Tohru; Konno, Masanori; Tsukamoto, Eriko; Morita, Yutaka; Tamaki, Nagara | A new dynamic myocardial phantom for the assessment of left ventricular function by gated single-photon emission tomography. | - | European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging | - | Sep-2000 |
bulletin (article) | 久保, 直樹; 花田, 博之 | Non-Collimatorによるシンチグラムの画像復元について | Non-Collimated Scintigram Image Restoration | 北海道大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 | - | Dec-1995 |
article | Ukon, Naoyuki; Kubo, Naoki; Ishikawa, Masayori; Zhao, Songji; Tamaki, Nagara; Kuge, Yuji | Optimization of helical acquisition parameters to preserve uniformity of mouse whole body using multipinhole collimator in single-photon emission computed tomography | - | Results in physics | - | 20-Sep-2016 |
article (author version) | Magota, Keiichi; Kubo, Naoki; Kuge, Yuji; Nishijima, Ken-ichi; Zhao, Songji; Tamaki, Nagara | Performance characterization of the Inveon preclinical small-animal PET/SPECT/CT system for multimodality imaging | - | European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging | - | Apr-2011 |
article | Takeuchi, Wataru; Suzuki, Atsuro; Shiga, Tohru; Kubo, Naoki; Morimoto, Yuichi; Ueno, Yuichiro; Kobashi, Keiji; Umegaki, Kikuo; Tamaki, Nagara | Simultaneous Tc-99m and I-123 dual-radionuclide imaging with a solid-state detector-based brain-SPECT system and energy-based scatter correction | - | EJNMMI physics | - | 29-Jun-2016 |
article (author version) | Kubo, Naoki | Some Considerations on Image Reconstruction : A description of filtered back projection and iterative reconstruction | フィルタ補正逆投影法・逐次近似法について | - | - | 31-Jul-2012 |
bulletin (article) | 久保, 直樹 | SPECTの対向投影データから計算される体輪郭および高吸収体の描出法について | Body Contour and High Absorber Detection Utilizing Opposed Projection Data in SPECT | 北海道大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 | - | Jan-1997 |
article (author version) | Kubo, Naoki; Zhao, Songji; Kinda, Akiyoshi; Motomura, Nobutoku; Katoh, Chietsugu; Kuge, Yuji; Tamaki, Nagara | An ultra-high-energy collimator for small animal imaging in dual-isotope study of 18F and 99mTc | - | International Congress Series | - | Mar-2004 |
article (author version) | Kubo, Naoki; Hanada, Hiroyuki | Uncollimated scintigram image restoration | Non-Collimatorによるシンチグラムの画像復元について | 北海道大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 | - | Dec-1995 |
bulletin (article) | 久保, 直樹 | シングルフォトンエミッションCT (SPECT) におけるウィーナーフィルタの設計 | Design of a Wiener Filter for SPECT | 北海道大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 | - | Dec-1993 |
article (author version) | 久保, 直樹 | フィルタ補正逆投影法・逐次近似法について | - | START | - | 31-Jul-2012 |
bulletin (article) | 花田, 博之; 久保, 直樹; 関之山, 勝博 | フイルム濃度分布のスリットサイズ依存性 | Dependence of Film Density Distribution on Scanning Slit Size | 北海道大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 | - | Dec-1995 |
bulletin (article) | 久保, 直樹 | 肝血液プールSPECTから形成された位相空間上のアトラクターについて | The Attractor in the Phase-Space Representation for Liver Blood Pool SPECT | 北海道大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 | - | Dec-1994 |
article | 小笠原, 克彦; 久保, 直樹 | 撮影技術学実習に取り入れた高齢者・片麻痺疑似体験の教育効果 | Educational Effects on Radiological Technology Students of Programs Using a Simulated Aged Person and Hemiplegia Patient | 日本放射線技術学会雑誌 | Japanese journal of Radiological Technology | 20-Feb-2003 |
article (author version) | 久保, 直樹; 加藤, 千恵次; 玉木, 長良 | 次世代核医学デジタルイメージング装置における新しい空間分解能評価法の開発 | - | INNERVISION | - | Jul-2005 |
article (author version) | 久保, 直樹 | 障害を防止し安全を確保することを見据えた画像技術 | - | 北海道放射線技術雑誌 | Journal of Hokkaido radiological technology : JHRT | Oct-2015 |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 23