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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)SOFRONOV, Mark A.; VOLOKITINA, Alexandra V.; KAJIMOTO, Takuya; UEMURA, ShigeruThe Ecological Role of Moss-Lichen Cover and Thermal Amelioration of Larch Forest Ecosystems in the Northern Part of Siberia-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Feb-2004
bulletin (article)TAKAHASHI, Koichi; UEMURA, Shigeru; HARA, ToshihikoEffect of Understory Dwarf Bamboo on Seasonal Changes in Soil Temperature in a Betula ermanii Forest, Northern Japan-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Oct-2002
article (author version)Saitoh, Takashi; Vik, Jon Olav; Stenseth, Nils Chr.; Takanishi, Toshikazu; Hayakashi, Shintaro; Ishida, Nobuo; Ohmori, Masaaki; Morita, Toshio; Uemura, Shigeru; Kadomatsu, Masahiko; Osawa, Jun; Maekawa, KojiEffects of acorn abundance on density dependence in a Japanese wood mouse (Apodemus speciosus) populationDensity dependence in wood mousePopulation Ecology-Apr-2008
article (author version)Kubo, Takuya; Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi; Kato, Kyoko; Nishimura, Seiichi; Uemura, Shigeru; Ono, Kiyomi; Sumida, Akihiro; Hara, ToshihikoEstimating the three-dimensional structure of canopy foliage based on the light measurements in a Betula ermanii stand-Agricultural and Forest Meteorology-4-Jul-2008
articleSumida, Akihiro; Nakai, Taro; Yamada, Masahito; Ono, Kiyomi; Uemura, Shigeru; Hara, ToshihikoGround-Based Estimation of Leaf Area Index and Vertical Distribution of Leaf Area Density in a Betula ermanii Forest-Silva Fennica-2009
article (author version)Ishii, Hiroaki T.; Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi; Uemura, Shigeru; Takahashi, Koichi; Hanba, Yuko T.; Sumida, Akihiro; Hara, ToshihikoRemoval of understory dwarf bamboo (Sasa kurilensis) induces changes in water-relations characteristics of overstory Betula ermanii trees-Journal of Forest Research-Apr-2008
bulletin (article)NOMURA, Mutumi; SASA, Kaichiro; SATOH, Fuyuki; SHIBATA, Hideaki; UEMURA, Shigeru; FUJIWARA, Koichiro; CHEKURDAEV, G. A.Snowmelt Runoff at a Seasonal Ground Frost Basin in Southern Sakhalin, Russia-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Oct-2002
bulletin (article)Shi, Fuchen; Chen, Xiangwei; Wang, Wenjie; Takagi, Kentaro; Akibayashi, Yukio; Sasa, Kaichiro; Uemura, ShigeruVegetation Characteristics of a Larch-dominant Site for CO2 Flux Monitoring Study at the Laoshan Experimental Station in Northeast China-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Nov-2001
bulletin (article)野村, 睦; 笹, 賀一郎; 佐藤, 冬樹; 柴田, 英昭; 植村, 滋; 藤原, 滉一郎サハリン南部における積雪調査Snow Survey in the Southern Sakhalin, Russia北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University25-Mar-2002
bulletin (article)來住, 牧; 宮, 久史; 吉田, 俊也; 植村, 滋ミズナラ堅果生産量の長期動態と豊凶仮説の検証Weather, resource or their complex:optimum model for proximate approach to mast-seeding in Mongolian oak Quercus crispula in Hokkaido, northern Japan低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)青栁, 陽子; 吉田, 俊也; 竹田, 哲二; 杉山, 弘; 長谷川, 潤子; 石田, 亘生; 早柏, 慎太郎; 植村, 滋; 柴田, 英昭雨龍研究林における『モニタリングサイト1000』の事例紹介Ecological monitorings for the Monitoring-1000 program in the Uryu Experimental Forest北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests14-Nov-2008
bulletin (article)植村, 滋; 柴田, 英昭北海道大学演習林を利用した野外教育の試み : 「野外シンポジウム1999 森をしらべる」A Trial for Learning of Practical Field Research by Using Hokkaido University Forests : Field Symposium for Forest Research in 1999高等教育ジャーナルJournal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning2000
bulletin (article)稲葉, 弘之; 河合, 正人; 植村, 滋; 秦, 寛; 近藤, 誠司; 大久保, 正彦北海道和種馬の夏季林間放牧における採食植物種Ingested plants by Hokkaido native horses grazed in forest in summer北海道大学農学部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY FORESTSFeb-1998
bulletin (article)竹田, 哲二; 植村, 滋; 外﨑, 勝美; 前川, 光司北米の大学研究林におけるフィールドの管理と運営Management and practices of the research field of university forests in North America北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests2-Oct-2000
bulletin (article)藤戸, 永志; 植村, 滋; 前川, 光司; 福井, 富三北米の大学研究林におけるフィールド管理と運営Management of research sites and research activities within the university forests in northern America北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests29-Oct-1999
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15


Hokkaido University