Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Zhang, Qi; Xu, Guangye; Iwai, Kazuhiko | Effect of an AC Magnetic-field on the Dead-zone Range of Inclusions in the Circular Channel of an Induction-heating Tundish | - | ISIJ international | - | 15-Jan-2022 |
article | Okumura, Keiji; Tanaka, Yuya; Iwai, Kazuhiko | Effect of Viscosity and Surface Roughness on Improvement of Solid-liquid Wettability by Ultrasonic Vibration | - | ISIJ international | - | 15-Nov-2022 |
article | Zhang, Qi; Xu, Guangye; Iwai, Kazuhiko | Effective Removal Zone of Inclusions in a Horizontal Channel under AC Magnetic Field Imposition | - | ISIJ international | - | 17-May-2021 |
article | Xu, Guangye; Iwai, Kazuhiko | Micro-Scale Flow Excitation under Imposition of Uniform Magnetic Field and Electrical Current | - | Metals | - | Dec-2022 |
article | Xu, Guangye; Iwai, Kazuhiko | Solute Concentration Distribution in the Vicinity of Solid-Liquid Interface under the Imposition of a Time-Varying Force | - | ISIJ international | - | 15-Jul-2022 |
article | 深澤, 慧; 熊谷, 剛彦; 大参, 達也; 岩井, 一彦; 井口, 学 | 急縮小部を有する微小流路内気液二相流の気泡速度に及ぼす流路高さの影響 | Effect of small rectangular channel height on bubble moving velocity in gas-liquid two-phase flow through sudden contraction | 混相流 | JAPANESE JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW | 15-Jun-2013 |
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6