Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 20 of 21
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article (author version) | Susuki, Kenta; Ichimura, Masaki; Koshino, Yosuke; Kaeriyama, Masahide; Takagi, Yasuaki; Adachi, Shinji; Kudo, Hideaki | Dorsal hump morphology in pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) | - | Journal of Morphology | - | May-2014 |
bulletin (article) | Obayashi, Yoshi; Arai, Asuna; Liu, Yan; Katsumata, Yuriko; Kono, Kumi; Uchida, Haruko; Masaki, Mikio; Aoki, Maiko; Takahashi, Aya; Yamada, Tomohisa; Kamei, Chisato; Sugiura, Shuichi; Kaeriyama, Masahide; Tamashiro, Hiko | A Survey on Awareness of the Nitobe College among the First-year Students of Hokkaido University, 2013 | - | 高等教育ジャーナル : 高等教育と生涯学習 | Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning | Mar-2014 |
bulletin (article) | Uchida, Haruko; Takahashi, Aya; Sugiura, Shuichi; Chikahisa, Takemi; Kaeriyama, Masahide; Tamashiro, Hiko | The First Group Meeting with ‘Fellows’ at Hokkaido University in 2013 : Results of a Survey on the Nitobe College Students | - | 高等教育ジャーナル : 高等教育と生涯学習 | Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning | Mar-2014 |
article (author version) | 山田, 綾; 越野, 陽介; 工藤, 秀明; 阿部, 周一; 荒井, 克俊; 帰山, 雅秀 | ミトコンドリア DNA 分析によるカラフトマス Oncorhynchus gorbuscha 集団構造の年級群間比較 | Genetic comparison between odd- and even- year populations of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, based on mitochondrial DNA analysis | 日本水産学会誌 | - | 15-Sep-2012 |
article (author version) | Kaeriyama, Masahide; Seo, Hyunju; Kudo, Hideaki; Nagata, Mitsuhiro | Perspectives on wild and hatchery salmon interactions at sea, potential climate effects on Japanese chum salmon, and the need for sustainable salmon fishery management reform in Japan | - | Environmental Biology of Fishes | - | May-2012 |
article (author version) | Kudo, Hideaki; Koshino, Yousuke; Eto, Akihiro; Ichimura, Masaki; Kaeriyama, Masahide | Cost-effective accurate estimates of adult chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, abundance in a Japanese river using a radio-controlled helicopter | - | Fisheries Research | - | May-2012 |
article | Qin, Yuxue; Kaeriyama, Masahide | Recent production trends of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta under conditions of warming climate | - | North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Technical Report | - | 2012 |
article | Koshino, Yousuke; Kudo, Hideaki; Kaeriyama, Masahide | Transfer of marine-derived nutrients by pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) to terrestrial ecosystems in the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage area, Japan | - | North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission technical report | - | 2012 |
article (author version) | Kogura, Yuichiro; Seeb, James E.; Azuma, Noriko; Kudo, Hideaki; Abe, Syuiti; Kaeriyama, Masahide | The genetic population structure of lacustrine sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, in Japan as the endangered species | - | Environmental Biology of Fishes | - | Dec-2011 |
conference presentation | 帰山, 雅秀 | はじめに : サステナって何? | - | - | - | 9-Nov-2010 |
article (author version) | Kishi, Michio J.; Kaeriyama, Masahide; Ueno, Hiromichi; Kamezawa, Yasuko | The effect of climate change on the growth of Japanese chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) using a bioenergetics model coupled with a three-dimensional lower trophic ecosystem model (NEMURO) | - | Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography | - | Jul-2010 |
conference presentation | Kaeriyama, Masahide | Sustainability on seafood security and ocean ecosystem conservation | Sustainability Sciences for Ocean Ecosystem Conservation and Seafood Security; 食と海を守るためのサステナイビリティ科学; 海洋生態系保全と水産食料安全保障のための持続可能性 | - | - | 7-Nov-2009 |
conference presentation | Kaeriyama, Masahide | Climate Change and Sustainable Fisheries | 気候変動と持続可能な水産業 | - | - | 5-Nov-2009 |
article (author version) | Kudo, H.; Doi, Y.; Ueda, H.; Kaeriyama, M. | Molecular characterization and histochemical demonstration of salmon olfactory marker protein in the olfactory epithelium of lacustrine sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) | - | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology | - | Sep-2009 |
article (author version) | Kudo, Hideaki; Shinto, Masakazu; Sakurai, Yasunori; Kaeriyama, Masahide | Morphometry of olfactory lamellae and olfactory receptor neurons during the life history of chum salmon (Oncorynchus keta) | - | Chemical Senses | - | 8-Jul-2009 |
article (author version) | Seo, Hyunju; Kudo, Hideaki; Kaeriyama, Masahide | Spatiotemporal change in growth of two populations of Asian chum salmon in relation to intraspecific interaction | アジア系シロザケ2個体群の種内相互作用と成長パターンの時空間変動 | Fisheries Science | - | Jul-2009 |
article | Salam, Md. Abdus; Ota, Yuki; Ando, Hironori; Fukuwaka, Masa-aki; Kaeriyama, Masahide; Urano, Akihisa | High Population Density of Juvenile Chum Salmon Decreased the Number and Sizes of Growth Hormone Cells in the Pituitary | - | Zoological Science | - | Dec-1999 |
article | Kitahashi, Takashi; Sato, Ayako; Alok, Deoraj; Kaeriyama, Masahide; Zohar, Yonathan; Yamauchi, Kohei; Urano, Akihisa; Ueda, Hiroshi | Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analog and Sex Steroids Shorten Homing Duration of Sockeye Salmon in Lake Shikotsu | - | Zoological Science | - | Oct-1998 |
article | Kitahashi, Takashi; Alok, Deoraj; Ando, Hironori; Kaeriyama, Masahide; Zohar, Yonathan; Ueda, Hiroshi; Urano, Akihisa | GnRH Analog Stimulates Gonadotropin II Gene Expression in Maturing Sockeye Salmon | - | Zoological Science | - | Oct-1998 |
article | Sato, Ayako; Ueda, Hiroshi; Fukaya, Masahiro; Kaeriyama, Masahide; Zohar, Yonathan; Urano, Akihisa; Yamauchi, Kohei | Sexual Differences in Homing Profiles and Shortening of Homing Duration by Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analog Implantation in Lacustrine Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Lake Shikotsu | - | Zoological Science | - | Dec-1997 |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 21