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Showing results 1 to 20 of 85
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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Liu, Xiaodong; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiParameter-efficient feature-based transfer for paraphrase identification-Natural Language Engineering-19-Dec-2022
article (author version)Takeshita, Masashi; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiSpeciesist language and nonhuman animal bias in English Masked Language Models-Information Processing and Management-Sep-2022
articleBabieno, Mateusz; Takeshita, Masashi; Radisavljevic, Dusan; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiMIss RoBERTa WiLDe: Metaphor Identification Using Masked Language Model with Wiktionary Lexical Definitions-Applied sciences-17-Feb-2022
articleShirafuji, Daiki; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiArgument Extraction for Key Point Generation Using MMR-Based Methods-IEEE Access-27-Jul-2021
proceedings (author version)Ptaszynski, Michal; Dybala, Pawel; Higuchi, Shinsuke; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiAffect-as-Information Approach to a Sentiment Analysis Based Evaluation of Conversational Agents-Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies & Internet Commerce (IAWTIC'08)-16-Jan-2017
articleAhltorp, Magnus; Skeppstedt, Maria; Kitajima, Shiho; Henriksson, Aron; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiExpansion of medical vocabularies using distributional semantics on Japanese patient blogs-Journal of Biomedical Semantics-26-Sep-2016
article (author version)Krawczyk, Marek; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiExtracting location and creator-related information from Wikipedia-based information-rich taxonomy for ConceptNet expansion-Knowledge-Based Systems-Sep-2016
proceedingsKomuda, Radoslaw; Ptaszynski, Michal; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiRecognizing and Converting Cockney Rhyming Slang for Cyberbullying and Crime Detection-Proceedings of Language Sense on Computers IJCAI 2016 Workshop-Jul-2016
proceedingsRzepka, Rafal; Takizawa, Mitsuru; Araki, KenjiEmotion Prediction System for Japanese Language Considering Compound Sentences, Double Negatives and Adverbs-Proceedings of Language Sense on Computers IJCAI 2016 Workshop-Jul-2016
proceedingsKrawczyk, Marek; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiRule-based Approach to Extracting Location, Creator and Membership-related Information from Wikipedia-based Information-rich Taxonomy for ConceptNet Expansion-Proceedings of Language Sense on Computers IJCAI 2016 Workshop-Jul-2016
proceedingsRzepka, Rafal; Mazur, Michal; Clapp, Austin; Araki, KenjiGlobal Brain That Makes You Think Twice-AAAI Spring Symposium on Well-Being Computing: AI Meets Health and Happiness Science-5-Mar-2016
article (author version)Dybala, Pawel; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, Kenji; Sayama, KohichiSimile or Not Simile? : Automatic Detection of Metonymic Relations in Japanese Literal Comparisons-Lecture Notes in Computer Science-2016
proceedingsRzepka, Rafal; Amaya, Yusuke; Yatsu, Motoki; Araki, KenjiAutomatic Narrative Humor Recognition Method Using Machine Learning and Semantic Similarity Based Punchline Detection-International Workshop on Chance Discovery, Data Synthesis and Data Market in IJCAI2015-26-Jul-2015
proceedingsRzepka, Rafal; Araki, Kenji; Krawczyk, MarekReplacing sensors with text occurrences for commonsense knowledge acquisition.-IJCAI 2015 Workshop on Cognitive Knowledge Acquisition and Applications (Cognitum 2015)-25-Jul-2015
proceedingsRzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiToward Artificial Ethical Learners That Could Also Teach You How to Be a Moral Man-IJCAI 2015 Workshop on Cognitive Knowledge Acquisition and Applications (Cognitum 2015)-25-Jul-2015
articlePtaszynski, Michal; Masui, Fumito; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiDetecting Emotive Sentences with Pattern-based Language Modelling-Procedia Computer Science-Sep-2014
proceedingsRzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiExperience of Crowds as a Guarantee for Safe Artificial Self-Tech. Reports from AAAI Spring Symposium on Implementing Selves with Safe Motivational Systems & Self-Improvement-22-Mar-2014
article (author version)Ptaszynski, Michal; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, Kenji; Momouchi, YoshioAutomatically annotating a five-billion-word corpus of Japanese blogs for sentiment and affect analysis-Computer Speech & Language-Jan-2014
article (author version)Urabe, Yuki; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, KenjiEmoticon Recommendation System to Richen Your Online Communication-International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management-2014
article滝澤, 満; ジェプカ, ラファウ; 荒木, 健治副詞の影響度を考慮した感情推定-ことば工学研究会 : 人工知能学会第2種研究会ことば工学研究会資料-29-Nov-2013
Showing results 1 to 20 of 85
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Hokkaido University