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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Ohtomo, Shoji; Hirose, Yukio; Ohnuma, SusumuPublic acceptance model for siting a repository of radioactive contaminated waste-Journal of Risk Research-16-Apr-2020
article前田, 洋枝; 広瀬, 幸雄; 大沼, 進; 大友, 章司革新的エネルギー・環境戦略の社会的受容の規定因 : 「エネルギー・環境の選択肢に関する討論型世論調査」の手続き的公正に注目してDeterminants of public acceptance of the strategy for innovative energy and environment : focusing on the procedural fairness of deliberative polling環境科学会誌Environmental Science31-Mar-2020
article飯野, 麻里; 大沼, 進; 広瀬, 幸雄; 大友, 章司NIMBY施設の受容に対する補償の交換フレームの効果とTaboo trade-offs : 高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分場のシナリオ実験The Framing Effects of Compensation and Taboo Trade-offs on Acceptance of NIMBY Facility : A Scenario Experiment of High Level Radioactive Waste Geological Repository日本リスク研究学会誌Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis25-Oct-2019
article大澤, 英昭; 大友, 章司; 広瀬, 幸雄; 大沼, 進高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分施設の立地調査受容に信頼と手続き的公正が及ぼす影響Effects of trust and procedural fairness on public acceptance of siting a repository for high-level radioactive waste人間環境学研究Journal of Human Environmental StudiesJun-2019
article (author version)Nonami, Hiroshi; Hirose, Yukio; OHNUMA, Susumu; Midden, Cees; Ohtomo, ShojiEffects of voice and similarity on procedural fairness and trust : A dual process model of public acceptance based on representatives’ participation-Asian Journal of Social Psychology-18-Nov-2016
article大澤, 英昭; 大友, 章司; 大沼, 進; 広瀬, 幸雄フランスにおける高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分施設の立地受容の規定因Determinants of public acceptance on siting a geological disposal facility for high-level radioactive waste in France社会技術研究論文集SociotechnicaMay-2016
article (author version)大友, 章司; 大澤, 英昭; 広瀬, 幸雄; 大沼, 進福島原子力発電所事故による高レベル放射性廃棄物の地層処分の社会的受容の変化The Impacts of Fukushima Nuclear Accident on Public Acceptance of Geological Disposal of High Level Radioactive Waste日本リスク研究学会誌-2014
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7


Hokkaido University