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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)Miyajima, ShunichiFrom “Religious” Studies to “Spirituality” Studies : The Common Issues Included in Both-Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences-Feb-2023
bulletin (article)MIYAJIMA, ShunichiOn the Complementarity between Phenomenological and Statistical Approaches for Prayer Research with reference to East Asia-Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences-Mar-2020
bulletin (article)Miyajima, ShunichiThe Scientific Nature of the Study of Religion in the West and Asia-Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences-Feb-2024
bulletin (article)宮嶋, 俊一ドイツ高教会運動とハイラー宗教学の形成The High Church Movement in Germany and Heilerʼs “History of Religions”北海道大学文学研究院紀要Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University22-Mar-2024
bulletin (article)宮嶋, 俊一ハイラー宗教学再考Revisiting Heilerʼs Study of Religions北海道大学文学研究院紀要Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University9-Dec-2022
bulletin (article)宮嶋, 俊一祈りとしての「祝詞」について'Norito' as a prayer北海道大学文学研究院紀要Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University31-Jul-2019
article宮嶋, 俊一高橋優子『ポップカルチャーを哲学する―福音の文脈化に向けて―』(新教出版社、二〇一七年)Yuko Takahashi, Philosophizing Pop Culture : Toward Contextualization of the Gospel to Current Japanese Culture基督教学Studium Christianitatis13-Jul-2018
article宮嶋, 俊一宗教概念批判以降の宗教現象学の可能性についてThe Possibility of Phenomenology of Religion after the Critique of the Concept of Religion基督教學Studium Christianitatis20-Jul-2020
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8


Hokkaido University