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article大参, 達也; 山森, 樹; 坂入, 正敏Ti-Al系合金マイクロチャンネル内壁のマルチスケールボーラス構造に及ぼす陽極酸化時間の影響Effect of anodizing time on multiscale porous structure of Ti–Al alloy microchannel wall軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals30-Nov-2017
articleOhmi, Tatsuya; Hayashi, NaoyaFormation of Al-Ni Intermetallic Layers Lining Microchannels Produced by Powder-Metallurgical Process Using Aluminum Sacrificial Cores-MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS-1-Oct-2016
articleOhmi, Tatsuya; Iguchi, ManabuBonding Strengths of Interfaces between Cast Mg-Al Alloy and Cast-In Inserted Transition Metal Cores-実験力学Journal of JSEM15-Jul-2013
articleIshida, Masashi; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Sakairi, Masatoshi; Iguchi, ManabuFormation of Nanoporous Structures on Planner Al-Zn Alloy Lining Layers by Anodic Oxidation-実験力学Journal of JSEM15-Jul-2013
articleShitara, Yutaro; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Iguchi, ManabuIn-Situ Formation of Ti-Al Alloy Thin Tubes in Iron Bodies-実験力学Journal of JSEM15-Jul-2013
articleMaruyama, Asuka; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Sakairi, Masatoshi; Iguchi, ManabuEffects of Alkali Leaching on Composition and Surface Structure of Cu-Al Alloy Layer Produced by Powder-Metallurgical Method-実験力学Journal of JSEM15-Jul-2013
articleTeshirogi, Yuya; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Kumagai, Takehiko; Iguchi, ManabuFormation Behaviors of Microchannels in Reactive-Sintered Ni-Al Alloys by Sacrificial-Core Method-実験力学Journal of JSEM15-Jul-2013
article深澤, 慧; 熊谷, 剛彦; 大参, 達也; 岩井, 一彦; 井口, 学急縮小部を有する微小流路内気液二相流の気泡速度に及ぼす流路高さの影響Effect of small rectangular channel height on bubble moving velocity in gas-liquid two-phase flow through sudden contraction混相流JAPANESE JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW15-Jun-2013
articleOhmi, Tatsuya; Iguchi, ManabuFiltration of Ni-Al Alloy Containing By-Product Alumina in Centrifugal Combustion Synthesis-実験力学Journal of JSEM1-Jul-2012
articleSaitoh, Yusuke; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Sakairi, Masatoshi; Kumagai, Takehiko; Iguchi, ManabuComposition and Structure Changes in Al3Ni2 Microchannel Lining Layers by Alkali Leaching-実験力学Journal of JSEM1-Jul-2012
articleShitara, Yutaro; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Kumagai, Takehiko; Iguchi, ManabuFabrication of Free-Form Channels by a combined process of Metal Injection Molding and Sacrificial-Core Method-実験力学Journal of JSEM1-Jul-2012
articleIshida, Masashi; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Sakairi, Masatoshi; Iguchi, ManabuAnodic Oxidation Behavior of Al-Zn Alloy Lining Layer Produced by a Sacrificial-Core Method-実験力学Journal of JSEM1-Jul-2012
articleKobayashi, Kazuki; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Kumagai, Takehiko; Sakairi, Masatoshi; Iguchi, ManabuStructure Control of Cu-Zn Microchannel Lining Layers with Electrochemical Dissolution-実験力学Journal of JSEM1-Jul-2012
articleSaitoh, Yuhsuke; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Sakairi, Masatoshi; Iguchi, ManabuAlkali Leaching of Ni-Al Alloy Microchannel Lining Layers-実験力学Journal of JSEM2011
articleOmura, Masutaka; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Kumagai, Takehiko; Iguchi, ManabuFabrication of Ni-Al Alloy Transpiration-Cooling Device by Powder-Metallurgical Microchanneling Process-実験力学Journal of JSEM2011
articleKobayashi, Kazuki; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Sakairi, Masatoshi; Iguchi, ManabuDealloying of Cu-Zn Alloy Microchannel Lining Layers for Producing Microporous Catalyst-実験力学Journal of JSEM2011
articleIshida, Masashi; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Sakairi, Masatoshi; Iguchi, ManabuAnodization of the Inner Wall of the Microchannel Formed in Sintered Aluminum Body-実験力学Journal of JSEM2011
articleNagase, Yutaro; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Yamauchi, Akira; Iguchi, ManabuFabrication of Alumina Coating on Ni-Al Alloy Microchannel Wall for Catalyst Supporting-実験力学Journal of JSEM2011
articleOhmi, Tatsuya; Sakurai, Masayuki; Iguchi, ManabuFabrication of Microchannels in Metallic Wire Bundles by a Sacrificial-Core Method-実験力学Journal of JSEM2011
articleOmura, Masutaka; Ohmi, Tatsuya; Kumagai, Takehiko; Iguchi, ManabuFabrication of Porous Transpiration-Cooling Device by Powder-Metallurgical Microchanneling Process-実験力学Journal of JSEM2010
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Hokkaido University